Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 This ambitious presentation of amateur radio to young people involves inviting Novice trainees , Scouts , Guides and ATC members to take part in amateur radio related activities arranged over a whole weekend plus some social activities .
2 Groups formed as a result of a parent company , such as Matsushita Electric , spinning off its own operating divisions to form separate companies within the same field to act as suppliers , distributors and even retailers .
3 His fierce anti-Common Market views led to a challenge to his candidacy for the South Edinburgh seat in 1973 which he successfully fought off .
4 It is realistic when one considers the number of new operations developed as a consequence of medical research .
5 His ginger beard came round and his teeth gleamed for a second .
6 Our large cases sit on a small side table at knee-level .
7 These brick buildings are on three storeys , the first two being unexceptional Victorian terraced houses arranged round a courtyard , but the floor above them has the characteristic long windows of textile workshops .
8 Meiklejohn says , " Every adjective is either an explicit or an implicit predicate " , the former corresponding in his book to appearance in predicative position and the latter to attributive use ; and he goes on to show , with examples , that he takes exactly the same view as is found later in accounts given within a Chomskyan framework .
9 The purchase of a call option on a futures contract gives the owner the right to acquire a long position in the futures contract at a set price ( the exercise or striking price ) during ( or at the end of ) a specified time period .
10 Later it could develop into music groups consisting of a variety of instruments and voices , bands , instrumental ensembles or dance groups .
11 However , the theoretical advances that these views represent do not seem to have significantly affected statements about literacy , which appear at times to remain in a pre-Saussurian world .
12 The video would show activities undertaken during a typical school day , including lunch times and break times , the routines for meeting children at the end of the day , introduce the staff and the chair of governors and the chair of the parents ' association .
13 In dealing with the Renaissance , we are assuming , as de Man above indicates , that there is a relation between language and the phenomenal ( i.e. the range of activities undertaken in a defined historical period ) which is an a priori given .
14 In social work practice the term ‘ relationship ’ is used to describe the context of the general helping activities undertaken by a social worker in interaction with a particular client .
15 On the other hand , in a short-term study using the artificial pancreas , normalisation of blood glucose for 48 hours led to a significant fall in β-thromboglobulin levels ( Voisin et al , 1983 ) .
16 Thus , after two days in which a negotiated settlement to the original squabble seemed possible , an ultimatum to the Vietminh to clear out of Haiphong in two hours led to a bombardment which must have killed at least 1,000 people , many if not most of whom would be described as innocent civilians .
17 And she returned shortly afterwards with a thick roll of notes fastened with a rubber band and Melanie counted out seventy-eight pounds and a ten shilling note and the woman gave her five shillings from her alligator purse .
18 The schoolmaster 's appointment was at times treated as a sinecure for the vicar of Evenley , a Magdalen living .
19 An observer would have seen a raggedy man with his possessions gathered into a couple of carrier bags , his hair uncombed , and no life in his eyes at all .
20 But overseas activities plunged from a £1 million profit to a £13.7 million loss , the losses on property development and housing grew by 70 per cent to £17.1 million .
21 The rise in American self-esteem that followed Reagan 's more aggressive foreign policies led to a greater acceptance of the ‘ revisionist ’ view of the war .
22 Gradually these discussions developed into a proposal for an action-research project ( in the sense of an action project which would be monitored and evaluated ) which would provide enhanced home support to dementia sufferers , partly through the employment of extra paid carers .
23 He respects , looks up to , objects placed on a pedestal … but only within limits !
24 Secondly , there is a category of institutions formed by a single former college of education or by the amalgamation of two or more of them , such as Bishop Grosseteste College , Lincoln , and Crewe and Alsager College , Cheshire .
25 Berle offered the American objections to international control , insisting that the British proposals amounted to a 50–50 division of traffic on the North Atlantic route .
26 Status would allow operators to see at a glance which items of safety-related equipment were in proper working order .
27 Broadly speaking , their best strategies to cope with a Labour win would be to ensure they make the most of allowances created through the independent taxation of husbands and wives , and — where possible — to take income on a self-employed basis rather than as employees .
28 Take , for example , the perceptual experience that I have while looking at this bunch of carnations arranged in a vase on the table in the middle of the room .
29 Here , the researcher explores how the foraging patterns develop in a similar way to the patterns that can be produced on a computer by following simple , repetitive rules .
30 There is little doubt that their handwriting skills develop at a slower pace than their linguistic skills .
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