Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Rules change on pets likely
2 Corporatists share with pluralists a belief that the basic building blocks of the polity and the political process are groups formed around interests and that these have somehow taken over from the significance of representation through elections , parties and parliaments .
3 Other Groups Other smaller groups , such as the Brass Ensemble , Saxophone Quartet and the Madrigal Group , are joined by invitation only , but there are many ad hoc informal groups formed by pupils themselves , and any such initiative is welcomed and encouraged by the Music Department .
4 However , the final , as yet small , family of cell adhesion molecules bind to carbohydrates .
5 There is good evidence that sediment from these terrains is a component of several sandstones formed from sources in the United Kingdom , although few sandstones are derived solely from the Moine or the Lewisian .
6 How do existing training and employment policies discriminate against women ?
7 It is within this group that he comes to establish both personal social bonds within his particular sub-group , but also comes to feel part of a wider social collective , as witnessed by the ‘ we 're all in it together ’ type of accounts given by members .
8 These are not the accounts given by spectators and it is difficult to imagine them offering such accounts .
9 Social roles within each of the groups have been isolated primarily from the accounts given by fans and from prolonged observation in the London Road End .
10 Accounts given by individuals are inevitably selective in content and emphasis , and as we noted in Chapter 3 , the attribution of change to particular policies or causal factors is always difficult .
11 Psychological models derived from the observation of groups consisting of students can no longer be taken as representing general truths .
12 There were about thirty coins arranged in layers on cardboard trays ; each tray was encased in a plastic wallet .
13 What they all have in common is that they are all attempts to go beyond appearances .
14 Fund raising activities undertaken by members of the ‘ Johnson Matthey family ’ have raised over £18,000 in the first six months of the programme .
15 This includes activities undertaken by individuals to prevent disease or to detect it in an asymptomatic state .
16 One is to appraise the overall mix of generic activities undertaken by children during , say , a typical day or week .
17 The room was positively luxurious with bright-hued tapestries on the walls , and exquisitely embroidered linen cloths placed on tables , chests and over the backs of chairs .
18 ‘ I 'm sure they 'll always keep the houses filled with flowers .
19 Being able to challenge government decisions in the courts offers to groups disappointed by the outcome of the policy-formation process the prospect of re-opening the policy argument before the courts .
20 Nell turned away and began to eagerly search the mass of notes , manuals and graphs stacked on desks .
21 Mr Williamson , can I ask for your confirmation that the reason that the Secretary of State deleted Policy E two in the nineteen eighty structure plan was one of the many reasons under the heading , General , there is no specific reference in the notice of approval to the deletion of this policy and therefore I am assuming it fell for one of the reasons given in paragraphs five point two to five point four five .
22 Comfort , spaciousness and equipment levels are amongst the most common reasons given by owners for liking their Clios .
23 Moreover , the court should not approach decisions and reasons given by committees of laymen expecting the same accuracy in the use of language which a lawyer might be expected to adopt .
24 Only two studies have sought to find out from library patrons themselves the reasons for not using the catalogue.56 Three common reasons given by non-users were as follows :
25 The Martin and Roberts ( 1984 ) survey found all manner of weird and wonderful reasons given by husbands as to why they thought women could not do their jobs .
26 We compared drop out rates in the two arms of the trials and analysed the main subjective reasons given by patients for discontinuing therapy ( inefficacy and side effects ) when available .
27 4 The high rewards received by professionals , which include the prestige accorded to professional status as well as earnings , are symbols of their achievements .
28 In the main subway itself , a few more yards on , there was much more light , as there were lamps hanging from hooks on the walls as well as lining the floor .
29 Marian 's work now suits her particularly well and in an effort to redress some of the solicitor 's problems described above she has begun to be involved in advocacy training for solicitors assisting in courses run by the College of Law — helping others towards the successful career which she demonstrates is possible from whatever your legal origins .
30 The rich coastal plain continued to provide the base for great estates , ruled by their thegns , some of whom had their possessions ratified by charters like the one just quoted , whose boundaries can often still be traced .
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