Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [adj] quite " in BNC.

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1 The Mormons make some quite heavy demands as regards sexual or quasi-sexual observances .
2 Of the larger nationalities , the Buryat Mongols have four dialects , the recently ‘ consolidated ’ Altaians about six , the Khakass about five , and the Tuvans four , while even such a small community as the Enets Samoeds has two quite widely differing ‘ dialects ’ .
3 Bryan took up his drawing board and , with a few quick strokes of his black felt-tipped pen , he drew outlines of the bills , head shapes and size differences of the two gulls to make all quite clear .
4 Following the outbreak of civil war in 1642 , the revolutionary years of the 1640s and 1650s witnessed the attempts of a succession of governments to impose several quite distinct forms of established church on the English people .
5 HSBC chairman Sir William Purves said : ‘ Although economic growth in Asia was robust , the continuing recession in several of our major markets made 1992 quite a difficult year and resulted in a significant increase in the level of provisioning .
6 ‘ Although economic growth in Asia was robust , the continuing recession in several of our major markets made 1992 quite a difficult year , and resulted in a significant increase in the level of provisioning . ’
7 By the mid-point of the Minoan civilization 's development , the seal makers had some quite sophisticated tools at their disposal : cutting wheels , fast-twirling drills and gravers of bronze .
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