Example sentences of "[noun pl] come [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The book becomes gripping once allows his own interests and opinions to come closer to the surface .
2 And er and then there used to be some houses what er we did n't live in one of them but there used to be a lot of houses what used to be railings round , and there used to be steps and you 'd go down the steps , into the And they used to c they used to live downstairs and then well of course when you 're in the house in the side the room they used to have another flight of steps to come upstairs to a l a front room or a lounge or whatever you mind to call it .
3 Since such altruistic acts are typically performed between members of the same species , and usually within a fairly stable social group , it is best to start by asking what causes animals to come together in groups .
4 The Region is also encouraging schools to come forward with proposals for particular curriculum models .
5 On this basis we may stress the need to revise language teaching methods to come more in line with second language acquisition .
6 Unfortunately at the press conference our careful recommendations about the importance of Standard English were presented in such a way that many journalists came away with the false impression that we did not mind if children spoke dialect rather than Standard English .
7 ‘ They can not pass off the blame as if the order to close these homes came directly from Whitehall , ’ said Mr Bergg , a member of Great Aycliffe Town Council .
8 Half a million acres came newly under the plough between 1761 and 1792 , one million more during the Napoleonic Wars .
9 In this single speech , Law foreshadowed the development of the party for the next fifteen years ; the strategic dilemma over relations with the other parties after the war , the need to make real concessions to make a coalition workable , the openings that could be created by a national leader of independent reputation ( Baldwin as it turned out ) , and the outcome when the moderate men of all parties came together in 1931 .
10 Then the animals came closer with their warm , milky breaths that smelled sweetly of hay and the summer , and their mild comforting gaze that was not human , and the dog lay with his heavy head on the tailor 's foot , and the brindled cat sat on the arm of his chair .
11 His words came clearly to her ears , haughty , unemotional and cut by an unmistakable hostility and dislike .
12 Professor Connor , in a fascinating paper on computers in classical studies , claims that computers came just at the wrong time , at a time when scholar 's interests were moving from textual studies to critical theory , women 's studies and the like .
13 I was a proper Mom at last , there when the kids came home from school with time to listen to them .
14 Völkisch opinion on these subjects came increasingly to the fore with simplistic solutions that fitted in well with the Junker status quo .
15 ‘ Money for the trips came partly from ourselves and our families , but also from fund raising by Aisling 's school and the general public .
16 They remember also that the Dominions came voluntarily to our aid in the two world wars : we would be in honour bound to do likewise if any of them came under threat .
17 Ray Packwood 's pet bull mastiff Bess is used to strange animals coming home with her master so Caspar the Kinkajou was made to feel very welcome .
18 Although a small number of inter-denominational schools have been built in the UK , they are normally the result of neighbouring schools coming together from weakness and threat of closure .
19 You know you 're in the right place when the attitude of the locals subtly changes ; as you drive past country kids coming home from school in crisply-pressed uniforms , they shout ‘ white man ’ ! and grin at you .
20 The House of Lords accepted evidence that the NSPCC relied on anonymous informants for much of its work in child protection and held that the public interest in informants coming forward with information outweighed the parents ' interest in being able to sue a malicious busybody .
21 This is essentially a phenomenon of domestic cats , because the territories of wild cats are so much bigger , and the chances of a whole group of tom-cats coming together in one spot when a wild female is on heat are more remote .
22 Many harp recordings come close to ‘ wallpaper ’ music by which to dream ; if you can doze off before this one ends you should consult your doctor .
23 I mean I could get this whole place so tidy and the kids come home from school and it 's like a bomb 's exploded and nothing 's appreciated about it , whereas if you 're decorating or teaching children there 's something always gained out of it … as far as actual housework goes , I do n't see how anyone can like it .
24 The house is all straight and you 're tired and then the kids come home from school and upset the house again , so you remake it again for the next day .
25 Her lips come together in what is more a grimace than a smile .
26 A small piece of warm , of hot wax applied to the area , it 's set , pulled off , and the all the hairs come away in the wax .
27 Ashton 's Cock and Hens come straight from the farmyard and not the Imperial Ballet .
28 The funds come mainly from individual donors , although there have been corporate donations from Hanson Trust PLC and one or two others .
29 The words come easier from Porfiry who speaks for public justice than from Sonya on whom falls the main and mystic burden of creative , regenerative suffering .
30 It is suggested that the answer to ties comes straight from long-term memory .
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