Example sentences of "[noun pl] who made the " in BNC.

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1 Of all the journalists who made the pilgrimage to Dovercourt , the team from the BBC caused the greatest excitement .
2 Three cheers for our kids who made the grade
3 Instead it was the visitors who made the early running , albeit by the narrowest of margins in the first three games .
4 We felt that it was a great tribute to us and all our many comrades who made the supreme sacrifice .
5 As last year , though , it was the crews who made the story , in the most wholesome of ways this time .
6 The statesmen who made the settlement could not ignore the pressures this placed upon them : to that extent public opinion was a significant element in the process of peace-making .
7 Meet The Feebles ( 18 ) is a smutty satire on the Muppet show , written and performed by the same New Zealanders who made the enjoyably gross sci-fi romp , Bad Taste .
8 And Hillier was full of praise for the young Gunners who made the crowd forget the absence of Anders Limpar and John Jensen .
9 He confirmed that the staff committee would now meet on Thursday night to consider whether to discipline the workers who made the allegations .
10 There was no limitation on the period of service overseas that a man could agree to undertake , and the crown was relieved of the burden of administration : recruiting , mustering and paying the troops were carried out by the officials of the magnates who made the contracts .
11 On an eerily quiet night at Celtic Park — wind and driving rain had done little to add lustre to a low-key occasion — it was Hibs who made the brighter start .
12 On an eerily quiet night at Celtic Park — wind and driving rain had done little to add lustre to a low-key occasion — it was Hibs who made the brighter start .
13 It resembles the pictures of dancers frozen for all time by the potters who made the Greek vases just to display their feats .
14 It is noteworthy that the two figures who made the most substantial contribution during this period to the formulation of a Marxist-based model which was more directly relevant to Latin American reality both came from Peru , where the above features were particularly accentuated and where , therefore , the Comintern prescription seemed least appropriate .
15 The DA had the only two witnesses available — the two narcotics officers who made the bust .
16 Mark is visibly angry with ‘ them ’ , the faceless bureaucrats who made the rules that nearly lead to his ruin .
17 They are searching for passengers who made the first ever trip with them to Jersey 40 years ago .
18 They are searching for passengers who made the first ever trip with them to Jersey 40 years ago .
19 He was critical of the three councillors who made the presentation to Mr Lang — Alison Magee , convener of Sutherland district , Isobel Rhind , who serves on Ross and Cromarty District Council as well as the regional council , and John Young , the Caithness convener .
20 Hey , you guys , you gays who made the break .
21 [ J. P. Gallagher , Fred Karno — Master of Mirth and Tears , 1971 ; S. Theodore Felstead , Stars who Made the Halls , 1946 . ]
22 The eleven faculty members who made the decision are sworn to secrecy .
23 As things turned out it was the Americans who made the greatest contribution , drawing heavily on the practice they had adopted in the last few years to incorporate the expertise available from industry and the unions into their CAB ( as they then were ) investigations .
24 He took him to all the different workshops de Chavigny maintained in different parts of Paris : he let him watch these highly skilled men at work , the specialists in metalwork , the specialists in inlay work and enamels , the gem-cutters , the gem-setters , the team of men who made the mechanisms for clocks and watches .
25 Tony does n't expect his navvy to turn many heads , but if it makes just one or two commuters appreciate the courage and dedication of the men who made the Chiltern Line , the effort was worth it .
26 He had also torn off the copyright mark from the greeting card before sending it to the Italian artisans who made the sculptures .
27 One of these came , interestingly enough from the Socialist Labour Party , the extreme left-wing group of revolutionary socialists who made the work-place the centre of political struggle .
28 In and around Fournier Street , east of Spitalfields Market , are several eighteenth-century houses once occupied by the weavers who made the district famous for its woven silk .
29 She could be crisp and efficient herself when the heat was on ; it was n't only soldiers who made the world go round .
30 The Kirkby couple will be guests of expatriates and Kuwaiti people who are honouring the debt they owe to Corporal Keegan and other Allied soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice .
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