Example sentences of "[noun pl] who had the " in BNC.

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1 Schools who had the interest and expertise should be encouraged to make a reasonable investment of time in teaching such units in place of separate optional topics . '
2 People ambled along , indulging in the local pastime of frustrating car drivers who had the temerity to attempt a breakthrough .
3 Two still lifes by the seventeenth-century Antwerp artist Jacob Van Hulsdonck , found in the attic of a hospital at Melun , near Paris , were sold for FFr2.5 million on 20 December by auctioneer Jean-Pierre Osenat after a year-long legal battle with museum authorities who had the works classed monuments historiques to prevent them leaving France .
4 Walter Sickert , the English artist , a contributor to The New Age , praised Parisian artists who had the courage to sell their drawings in the cafés .
5 For those ‘ Old Fighters ’ who had been enthusiastic Hitler supporters even before the demise of the Weimar Republic , for the direct beneficiaries of Nazism — the careerists , power-seekers , and apparatchiks who had the Third Reich to thank for their offices and careers in Party and State , and for the ideologically committed who had ‘ burnt their boats ’ with the Nazi regime , the belief in the Führer 's powers to bring about a miracle and achieve final victory in the face of all the odds was the blind faith rooted in self-interest and fear of the future .
6 The House of Commons was to become a representative assembly of independent members chosen by individual electors who had the right to vote and direct representation and , through this , the opportunity to enjoy government based on their consent and indirect choice .
7 With the exception of very few families who had the protection of the British consulate , the Jews were defenceless .
8 No matter what they said , it was the farmers who had the money .
9 This principle was extended to civil servants who had the alternative remedy of taking their complaints to an industrial tribunal .
10 We studied healthy adult Gambian villagers who had the HLA-B53 antigen .
11 The work with patients who had the delusion of being watched , and who spoke of the watcher as another person in terms like the following : ‘ He is waiting for me to go now ’ , or ‘ He thinks I should do such and such ’ , had first led Freud to suggest that a part of a person 's ego can keep watch over another part .
12 But black professionals who had the respect of of the young element in the flats .
13 When asked about the factors which influenced how and where they shopped , many older people said they would be ready to pay a little more for their purchases at shops which provided places to sit down , had lavatories and employed staff members who had the time and inclination to help them .
14 I remember Geoff telling me this , tears streaming down his face , marvelling at how it was his children who had the strength to carry on , and that it was they who had this practical , yet profound way of reaching to the heart of the matter .
15 A man who wished to resist such turning could insist on keeping to the subject ; and forceful men who had the character of genial good nature could get away with open rebuttal of this kind ; but not all people who interrupted with open rebuttals acquired or maintained that character .
16 Especially problematic was the fact that the informal and formal networks never came together nor were the views and opinions of the informal network adequately appraised by the formal care givers who had the responsibility for overall coordination .
17 Citizens who had the orthodox Soviet version of Ukrainian history rammed down their throats for decades are now being told a completely different version , arguably also coloured by the political prejudices of its authors .
18 Leapor was , of course , discovered by Freemantle who , though relatively learned , had to bring her friend to the attention of others who had the social connections to promote her work :
19 We 're just the lucky ones who had the Thing .
20 Were they not the ones who had the fancy dress party the Victorian dress party at the hotel ?
21 Even during her time at Harmondsworth there were other women who had the same experiences .
22 If the Victorian era was over , the example set by Queen Victoria during her long reign was still fresh in the mind , and all women who had the right amount of sense and spirit knew that attack was the best form of defence when dealing with men who liked to lay down the law .
23 This would baffle her friends and her students who had the impression that she was engaged in some vast if imprecise enterprise .
24 Mengele was obsessed with twins , and five of the twins who had the terrible misfortune to figure in his ‘ studies ’ talk about what they went through and how they have coped with the memories in Sunday 's Everyman : My Brother , My Sister ( 10.20pm , — Gazza ‘ azza gon na to Italy at last , but the ups and downs of a year when his comeback looked anything but certain are charted in Sunday 's hour-long documentary Gazza The Fight Back ( 4pm , Tyne Tees , 5.30pm Yorks ) .
25 Mr Slavicek was out of Prague that week , and there was no one out of the remaining 449 employees who had the authority to give one black-and-white photograph to a local newspaper .
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