Example sentences of "[noun pl] who do the " in BNC.

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1 And in fact it shows a lot for human nature because he was chuckling away at the end of it all and he even gave the lads who did the job a tip .
2 The main purpose of the discussion is to establish that parents understand behaviour good and bad is learned , that children can be ‘ untaught ’ the bad and taught the good , and that it is the parents who do the teaching using the simple methods and techniques you have demonstrated .
3 When maize cultivation was introduced it was probably the females in the Georgia communities who did the growing and harvesting of the crops as well as all the preparation and cooking of the family 's food .
4 Once this has been done , it is hoped to set a second study in motion to consider the possibility of using expert systems to guide the personnel who do the actual licensing through the maze of rules and regulations that they have to consider .
5 The itinerary for this competition appeared to have been worked out with the sole aim of maximizing the profit of the air operators who did the transporting .
6 " As far as we can determine there were three men , two with clubs who did the beating and one other , " Tom Rooney said quietly .
7 I met many + tenants on similar estates who do the same thing — their heating amounts to " taking the nip out of the air " and putting on cardigans to go into the bathroom or kitchen .
8 This covert attitude of declaring oneself unable to conceive as possible an exercising of audacity which in fact really took place gives the impression that the speaker thinks that the persons who did the action should have known better than to try .
9 Erm er anyway , never mind , um so um also erm particularly from a feminist perspective this idea of of so-called faulty family dynamics has been called into question by people like for example Hall and Lloyd who were saying that um , something along the lines of if you if you blame the family as a whole then this draws attention away from the fact that it 's not the families who do the abusing , it 's often , from their point of view , it was often the men that do .
10 Yeah , then we had the Blue Flames , the young girls who does the pom pom dancing and er
11 Most of my revision in my first and second years was done the night before and I managed to get through but a lot of friends who did the same did n't .
12 She had a number of very enthusiastic friends who did the research and , and generally assisted her , but everybody gives her credit for , not only working in New York , but it actually was not Federal legislation , they had to work state by state .
13 In all about one-third of the pupils who did the test actually used scissors .
14 In drama there is rarely a single right answer , and it 's often more appropriate to phrase questions so that it is the teacher who does not know , the children who do the clarification :
15 This is the regular men who do the collecting .
16 It was mainly the young boys who did the slaughtering .
17 You get on and do your own thing , and respect others who do the same .
18 In fact the husbands who said they were helping tended to be the ones who did the least .
19 ( " most men like people to see that they are the ones who do the paying " )
20 she said yeah , she , erm , the reason that women who does the earrings could n't make them for me , was that she buys all the parts , well the flower earrings she makes , she buys all these parts and she ex assembles them which ever parts you want
21 Accordingly , in Chapter 8 we ‘ open the box ’ again and ask about the bureaucrats , the men and women who do the bargaining .
22 I was working in the middle of the coffee region and so the Supplies Team was also in charge of the coffee plantations , Normally it was the women who did the harvesting , working some four hours a day .
23 According to Hattat , even when men can begin to discuss their virility openly , women who did the same would be branded as immoral .
24 ‘ And some sort of non-alcoholic fruit cup for the boarders who do the serving out . ’
25 ‘ Oh , the Essex lads are out in force , no problem , but I 'm sure the hooligans who did the post offices were working from south of the river .
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