Example sentences of "[noun pl] would have [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Order , for example can function as a noun or as a verb and the transition probabilities of both senses to following words would have to be computed .
2 Once all water which contains or could on present trends contain , 50 mg/litre nitrate is designated ‘ vulnerable ’ , steps would have to be taken to reduce nitrate pollution .
3 This view depends , of course , on seeing the reader , not as a unique individual , a private being , but as a vessel or meeting point for a variety of cultural codes and literary conventions , and it is in these terms and not those of affective experience that reading and readers would have to be discussed : the reader qua reader is as much the product of a ‘ grammar ’ ( however loosely this notion may now be conceived ) as was the text in classical structuralism .
4 Our surveys indicate that such units would have to be restricted to dimensions appropriate to the Navigation .
5 After 1322 the king dropped the offending phrases and recognized that the clergy would have to be taxed in their own assemblies , initiated by , but otherwise independent of , himself .
6 This shows that for mixing to take place between high molecular weight components the solubility parameters would have to be virtually identical .
7 The ANC said that substantial progress in fulfilling these demands would have to be made before negotiations could recommence .
8 Such entries would have to be flagged in the tree structure to show that they are misspellings to distinguish them from correct words ( as mentioned previously in section 4.4.3 during the discussion of the flagging system and the 12 codes necessary to represent proper nouns , compounds and phrases ) .
9 Scientific methods would have to be adopted .
10 These substances would be in small amounts in any but polluted waters , and analytical methods would have to be suited to the objective if it were desired to distinguish between them .
11 Yet some coverage would have to be attempted , and candidates would have to be chosen with regard to their capacity to attract votes not simply throughout the whole constituency but also from specific localities within it .
12 All prospective presidential candidates would have to screened by a pre-selection committee , comprising the government-appointed chairman of the Public Service Commission , a member of the Presidential Council of Minority Rights , and the head of the Society of Accountants .
13 For instance , being in the business , and purporting to understand the wider implications , our designs would have to be sensitive to the practicalities and compromises involved in production — whether or not these instruments ever got to that stage .
14 Safeguards would have to be built into the use of post-selection , pre-placement medical examinations , which should only be permitted if all successful applicants are subjected to such a medical examination .
15 It was feared a hundred and fifty animals would have to be destroyed .
16 This was the independent variable , manipulated by the experimenters , and the dependent variable to be studied was the effect that these roles would have on the behaviour of the volunteers .
17 This will also be the case where the shares are issued by a subsidiary incorporated in a jurisdiction where it can not avoid paying dividends or amounts in respect of redemption even if there are insufficient distributable profits , in which case funds would have to be provided by other group companies .
18 When the Zombie had finished his walk , a more permanent method of protecting her for the next four months would have to be found .
19 The country 's draft National Forestry Action Plan , drawn up with the help of the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation , concluded that if Indonesia was to be self-sufficient in wood for its burgeoning paper industry , new pulpwood plantations would have to be developed .
20 The South African National Maize Producers ' Organization said that at least three-quarters of the harvest had been destroyed and expected that up to 3,500,000 tonnes would have to be imported .
21 With their dissolution the health and welfare functions would have to be distributed between the newer health and social services administrative entities .
22 Any so-called ‘ saving ’ to the NHS of products manufactured by British companies would have to be paid for five fold by the British companies , and would show up five fold in our balance of payments , and would mean significant loss in taxation to the British Treasury .
23 She said that the power-generating companies would have to be forced to reduce emissions from power stations .
24 One , in order that the old type of arrangement you know , would no longer prevail , and that subsequently if people were going to have assemblies , part assemblies before they assembled the whole unit , then whole areas would have to be cleared , new benches would have to be built , the departments would have to be totally gone through you know , and all the rubbish cleared out and , and access and egress you know , to every department to make life easier for everybody .
25 The IBOA pointed out that as important as the discussions on the actual cost reduction proposals were , other areas would have to be the subject of discussion also .
26 They would be introduced from July 1992 for new models ; existing models would have to be adapted by October 1993 .
27 Separate drills would have to be prepared to master each of the three clause types .
28 To master the French verb system a series of such drills would have to be constructed for a wide variety of common verbs and their tenses .
29 However , Brazil 's Justice Minister Mauricio Correa , on a visit to the area , warned that a long-term solution to the problem of the state 's unemployed miners would have to be found .
30 The latest draft of the European Commission 's plan for telecommunications seeks deregulation of cross-border services within the Community from January 1996 and of all services , domestic and international , by the start of 1998 , Reuter reports from Brussels , and phone companies expect it to press for deregulation of phone service despite the industry 's reservations — ‘ It 's far too ambitious — we 're not opposed to deregulation but this is too fast , ’ Charlotte Pins , a director of corporate communications at Belgium 's Belgacom said ; France Telecom said it backed ‘ setting sights on 1998 or 2000 ’ as a deadline for freeing the phone service , but Community-wide rules on access to national networks , costs , tariffs and public service duties would have to be agreed shortly .
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