Example sentences of "[noun pl] from the [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 He had a lot to learn about operating methods from the people on the shop floor , but he could also pass on to them the fruits of his university education .
2 This most recent work presents the viewer with images of young girls ( some of Honey 's own daughter , Daisy ) who willingly take on images from the media as their own role models .
3 The trimmings from the fish can go into the stock .
4 Profits last year were boosted by £69m of interest savings from the £572m rights issue a year ago .
5 Such a programme of reform requires a firm ‘ political will ’ , which in turn depends upon demands from the people .
6 These migrants differed in some important respects from the 46% of applicants who were non–enrollers , ( those who applied to a particular institution but did not go on to enrol anywhere ) .
7 People began to take notice of the miner 's conditions & inspectors from the govt. came & eventually the reports reached Parliament , where Acts were passed :
8 Anybody , anybody pair of clogs from the gasworks .
9 Igora Botanic contains ingredients from the flora of five continents — tropical fruit skin , camomile , walnut and the bark from exotic trees .
10 Proceeds from the £3 cassettes will go to Children In Need .
11 TWO MEN and three women were being questioned last night by Scotland Yard detectives investigating the laundering of proceeds from the £26m Brink's-Mat bullion robbery .
12 Through the early hours the close air had kept in the smell of grease and vinegar from fish papers littering the street in both directions from the fish and chip shop two or three doors down .
13 Two penny worth of bones from the butchers , and two penny worth of potherbs .
14 Er w I think there 's a there 's a desperately boring feature about the present political circumstances from the media 's point of view .
15 The user can also cut out pieces from the graphics and add to the graphics in any form .
16 One of the most basic features of capitalism is the separation of the workers from the means of production and one of the most basic aims of socialism is to abolish that separation , to regulate the allocation of resources and the expenditure of labour time according to the ‘ republican and beneficent system of the association of free and equal producers ’ ( Marx , 1974 , p. 90 ) .
17 It is clear , however , that the socialist abolition of the separation of workers from the means of production can not take the form of re-establishing the personal property of the individual worker in his/her own means of production on the model of peasant or artisanal conditions .
18 Add four quartered and seeded red peppers and the juices from the salmon and simmer , uncovered , for about 20 minutes until peppers are soft and the liquid reduces by half .
19 More youngsters are finding their own values clashing with a school 's social codes , some are picking up contradictory messages from the media and more are coming from broken or damaged families .
20 Since the argument ended , Mr. Beloff has been good enough to send us , by agreement with the other parties to Miss Calder 's application , extracts from the works of two legal historians who venture to express opinions on the legal position after 1873 .
21 He 'll read extracts from the works of American writers who travelled to Paris after the first world war .
22 It is for this reason that many of the extracts from the data which we use in the volume are accounts and nearverbatim records of spontaneous conversations in natural situations , for we thought it unreliable to ‘ interview ’ respondents formally ( van Maanen 1982 : 140 argues that most ethnographic data are conversation-based ) .
23 Hence many extracts from the data used in this volume are near-verbatim records of natural conversations in reallife settings .
24 This was reiterated from time to time by showing them pages from the field notes and extracts from the data .
25 Several newspapers carried extracts from the series , including Guangming Ribao and Wen Hui Bao throughout June and July , which kept the debate going .
26 Woodfall , the company set up by Tony Richardson and John Osborne to exploit the profits from Look Back in Anger , with the aim of proving ‘ that good films , ones that showed British life as it really is , could be made cheaply ’ , nevertheless had no particular strategy for trying to bring down the budgets of films from the £100,000 or so they were costing to the £30,000 level that , for example , French filmmakers worked to .
27 The rest will be paid over two years from the £1.75 million annual purchase grant of the National Galleries of Scotland .
28 The British reader , who is likely to have been spared certain of the varieties of suffering which are spoken of in the writings of Kundera and Klima , where a joke , or no joke , or nothing whatever , can sequester you for years from the people you grew up with , is in a position , for all that , to know what Sabina means here .
29 Bearing in mind the England team 's attempts to break out , cricket must have seemed an appropriate fund-raising event , and a knock-out competition among teams from the media will be played this weekend at North Middlesex CC , Park Road , Hornsey , London .
30 THIS TEAM of CCG staff and families from the KG Ethylene Plant in Grangemouth raised thousands of pounds for Telethon this summer with a sponsored half marathon — on roller skates !
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