Example sentences of "[noun pl] seem [to-vb] been " in BNC.

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1 The words seemed to have been dragged up one by one from the depths of himself , like prisoners loaded with chains , and released to the world only with great reluctance .
2 Suddenly our roles seemed to have been reversed .
3 His anxieties seemed to have been left behind in Cairo .
4 Most of the clergy and the peasants were not subjected to the hazards of battle , and the higher clergy seem to have been good risks for the actuary .
5 What is less easy to explain is that all of these words seem to have been created as phonetic imitations of the first meaningful sound uttered by many babies .
6 Authors seem to have been more effective .
7 Both methods seem to have been used at Ife , depending on the metal to be cast .
8 But since all large commercially-made cylinders seem to have been copied from standard ones , there was no increase in quality , only in volume .
9 Where lands were lost by churches , as in Aquitaine , the main beneficiaries seem to have been the local aristocracy — who traditionally cast greedy eyes on ecclesiastical wealth .
10 By level 9 , i.e. by about 6000 BC , Knossian houses were made of mud or mudbrick ; some level 9 bricks seem to have been deliberately hardened by firing , which — remarkably — was never again to be the practice in neolithic or bronze age Crete .
11 All foreign branches seem to have been closed for financial reasons in 1891–1892 , but Wilson , after the refloating of the union in 1894 , persisted in his international endeavours , establishing new branches in Hamburg , Rotterdam and Antwerp in the following year and an agency in New York , and accepting the logic of the shipowners ' often repeated argument that British claims to higher pay would be more convincing if foreign rates were brought up to British levels .
12 Certain kinds of employers ' combinations seem to have been hindered by antitrust legislation and this may help to explain the generally low level of organisation among employers .
13 The impact of French literary tradition on the Anglo-Norman fabliaux seems to have been rather crude : van den Boogard indicates that Anglo-Norman poets saw the fabliau primarily as a mode of " obscene " entertainment .
14 The city 's site on the Isthmus made her a natural centre for trade , and the aryballos seems to have been created to meet a new need : to bottle scented oils , imported from the East , for re-export east and west .
15 Yet though Leeds LEA understood this from the outset , its approach to heads seems to have been curiously negative .
16 Even where those committees were turbulent affairs ( as was sometimes true in School A ) , the mechanism required by the project guidelines seems to have been both necessary and relatively successful .
17 However , there are different kinds of planners — the Orcadian planners seem to have been unreceptive to public opinion whereas in Shetland they may have been younger and more immature but they listened to complaints .
18 Hugh McIlvanney 's feeling for his fellow-man shines through , too , although his emotions seem to have been already spent when he wrote his tribute to the late Jock Stein .
19 Except for a brief success for Wilson in London and Southampton , cooks and stewards seem to have been stimulated by his recruiting drive to set up their own organisation rather than to join the NSFU .
20 The results of this included some abandonment of cultivation in areas such as Dartmoor , where high contour settlements seem to have been effectively deserted by 1350 , and problems in farming on heavy soils which could suffer from waterlogging .
21 At least some of these criticisms seem to have been taken on board in the recent proposals for reform of UK competition policy described in section II above .
22 There are criticisms , but in fact the majority of criticisms seem to have been directed at the faults in the administrative procedures , as opposed to problems with the syllabus or assessment procedures .
23 True , some plates seem to have been designed as a reminder , sometimes polite , sometimes far from it , that the volume has strayed from its proper home .
24 The texts seem to have been composed as a result of work in and on language .
25 Almost all sites probably had one or more resident blacksmith and coppersmith , both repairing old items and manufacturing new ones , whereas plumbers , pewterers and tinsmiths seem to have been rarer ; only one goldsmith is known , while no silversmiths are attested .
26 The areas beyond these terminal reaves contain burial and religious monuments which in some cases must be earlier ; so perhaps some respect of older features is implied , an aspect which can be seen elsewhere where barrows and barrow cemeteries seem to have been avoided rather than ignored when the later fields were laid out .
27 Firms within the zones seem to have been doing better than equivalent companies elsewhere .
28 Rigorous steps to avoid selection biases seem to have been taken in only two of the four studies of immature babies — namely , those of Hofmeyr et al .
29 The words " in relation to " referred to in the third limb do not appear in the section but it seems to the author that the reference to " any benefit to him by contract or otherwise " must relate in some way to the gifted property , and a conclusion along those lines seems to have been drawn in some of the old estate duty cases ( see Chick v Commissioners of Stamp Duties [ 1958 ] AC 435 at 447 ) .
30 Perhaps they were all at this well-attended W.I. meeting , where not only hats , but coats and fur stoles seems to have been the thing .
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