Example sentences of "[noun pl] find [pn reflx] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Earlier Rangers had been thinking of survival rather than victory as for the third weekend in a row the Glasgow giants found themselves seriously threatened by a club from the bottom half of the table .
2 The real researchers found themselves as restricted as the employed technicians , and soon left in frustration .
3 Educationists working with under-fives and in nursery settings find themselves regularly in contact with other professionals from health , social services , voluntary agencies .
4 In response to the difficult situation schools find themselves in , a critical and forward-looking approach to curriculum renewal was developed .
5 Use all your senses to find yourself there .
6 Use all your senses to find yourself there .
7 As a result , the Conservatives found themselves badly defeated in 1945 .
8 Many parents find themselves pleasantly surprised when the difficult stage passes with the minimum number of crises and heartbreaks .
9 A further example is when an organisation which has been trading for many decades finds itself increasingly out of touch with the market and the organisation 's internal culture and style is no longer appropriate to the markets it is trying to address .
10 Centres for the physically handicapped have traditionally taken the elderly , and youngsters finding themselves there after leaving school may feel their adult lives have ended rather than just begun .
11 Having returned to pre-election campaign levels in the aftermath of John Major 's confounding of the pollsters , dealers found themselves confidently bidding the main index up well beyond the 2600 level .
12 First , the synchronized nature of the 1970–1 recession meant that governments found themselves simultaneously at a similar , recessionary phase of the cycle .
13 Farm workers find themselves more dependent upon tied cottages and both farm workers and the non-agricultural locals join the queue for council housing .
14 He also stressed that NATO must " seek out areas of complementarity with the other bodies within which the allies find themselves together in Europe " , notably the European Communities ( EC ) and the CSCE , to which he accorded particular importance as " the only place where all European countries can meet " .
15 The planned Leipzig Museum for Contemporary Art was conceived back in 1987 , before the reunification of Germany , as a place in which art from both East and West could be seen together a means of ending the isolation that East German museums found themselves in .
16 General practitioners find themselves already required to divulge cervical smear and immunisation status to family health services authorities and district health authorities , which run the screening programme 's recall systems .
17 If two male or two female cats find themselves together , sexually aroused but lacking suitable mates , one member of the pair may suddenly switch to the mating pattern of the ‘ wrong ’ sex .
18 In 1923 , when the Liberals found themselves in much the same situation as Mr Ashdown is hoping for today , Asquith told them that they ‘ were not sent here by your constituents to play the part of soldiers of fortune ’ , but that was exactly the part they found themselves playing then , and will find themselves playing now if we get a hung Parliament , and they will be unsuccessful mercenaries at that .
19 But krisis recently hit Kerrang and RAW , in that both magazines found themselves editor-less .
20 At the time it seemed senselessly cruel , but it often proved justifiable in the end : some girls who married Englishmen or Americans found themselves very unhappy in their new life , and eventually returned to Italy .
21 The ensuing dilemma that arts educators find themselves in is no less than the struggle to transform reality into something which more fully reflects the astounding potential that both boys and girls have to construct their own lives ; to make their own mark .
22 However , it is interesting to note that during World War I , when soldiers ’ wives received dependants ' allowances totalling a maximum of 17/6d in 1915 and 31/7d by 1918 for a wife and three children ( the average male labourer 's wage in 1918 was £2 ) , the heights and weights of schoolchildren and the infant mortality rate both showed improvement , which would suggest that wives and children found themselves rather better off .
23 Years later , even , when 617 just happened to be in my Canberra Wing at Binbrook after the war , oddly enough both Nos 617 and 9 Squadrons found themselves together in my four-squadron wing .
24 The Revolution also changed the earlier status of the Whigs as a party of opposition and the Tories as the party of government , as some Whigs found themselves increasingly drawn into the new royal administration , and as Tories became more and more alienated from the new regime .
25 There are situations , like the operational one that the police find themselves in , where an individual has to take the lead .
26 Doctors balance enthusiasm for more local control of funding as a self-governing trust against fears about clinicians finding themselves too close to budgetary responsibility .
27 The runners found themselves unfairly rebuked for the market-makers ' errors , and for their whimsical misquotes or bid-only quotes that could ruin a deal .
28 Married women found themselves either excluded entirely from , or treated very poorly by , a whole range of measures designed to work through the labour market .
29 Some of the 37,000 guests among investors , financial analysts and Disney employees found themselves temporarily stranded on Big Thunder Mountain as the power failed twice and a traffic jam caused by too many trains on the track meant the ride had to be reprogrammed .
30 Charles reinstated his counts , rebuilt his churches , installed new priests , and the Saxons found themselves back under Frankish control .
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