Example sentences of "[noun pl] not [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There is strong lobbying pressure for the governments that control portions of the polar ice caps not to build settlements there .
2 Joshua Dogonyaro , reported that Monrovia free port was now open for the delivery of urgently needed relief supplies , but he warned relief organizations not to use Buchanan port , 75 km to the south-east .
3 The prospect of their victory has prompted the federal judge overseeing the school-desegregation plan publicly to warn the candidates not to make promises he will not allow them to keep .
4 Store chiefs at the Meadowhall Centre in Sheffield saw a record 150,000 people turn up , 12,000 more than on the same day last year and in Hull police had to appeal to drivers not to take cars into the city because it was full by midday .
5 Durham County Council has warned school bus drivers not to use Roundhill Road when travelling into or out of the village .
6 But that is n't the reason for these kids not getting backing .
7 CLIVE Brittain warned User Friendly supporters not to put heart before head when his star filly goes for the world 's richest race , the Japan Cup in Tokyo , early tomorrow morning .
8 In other words not see science in isolation from economics , anthropology , politics — all these disciplines should be working together . ’
9 Adding this to the second suggestion , it follows that the change of context produced by introducing reinforcers in the conditioning stage will have little effect on subjects given pre-exposure to the context but will limit the degree to which latent inhibition is shown by subjects not given pre-exposure .
10 As the figure shows , both pre-exposed groups showed latent inhibition ( were more ready to consume the AB compound on test than subjects not given pre-exposure ) but the size of the effect was much diminished in the group that experienced A and B separately .
11 They show that animals pre-exposed once to vinegar before a conditioning trial with this flavour consumed more vinegar on the test trials than did control subjects not given pre-exposure .
12 But the researchers also reported ‘ an irritating tendency for some Ugandan subjects not to answer questions directly .
13 There was no significant difference between the birth weight of diabetic subjects not receiving insulin ( 3.39+-(0.58) kg , n=20 ) and the birth weight of those with impaired glucose tolerance and with normoglycaemia .
14 The diabetic subjects not receiving insulin had significantly lower β cell function ( median 69% ) than the subjects with impaired glucose tolerance ( median 96% , p<0.001 ) and the subjects with normoglycaemia ( median 98% , p<0.001 ) .
15 Moreover , he urges his readers not to join sects that make their adherents abandon their families , give up their money and worldly interests , and lead restricted lives that are ordered entirely by the rulers of the sect .
16 I would advise such readers not to lose heart : there is nothing in this book which can not be grasped by an 11-year-old who employs a little application : I know , because I 've tested it on an 11-year-old .
17 The Elton Committee urged schools not to stereotype pupils from certain racial groups as troublemakers .
18 They have advised schools not to make copies available to parents .
19 Ayatollah Khamenei , Iran 's spiritual leader , in a speech on June 10 said that there had been disorder in three towns ( Mashad , Shiraz and Arak ) where a small and subversive counter-revolutionhad taken advantage of the authorities ' leniency ; he warned municipal institutions not to provide pretexts for the stirring up of further disturbances .
20 Since the abolition of direct imprisonment for debts not exceeding £20 , the Insolvent Debtors Court and , after its abolition , the Bankruptcy Court in London and the county courts in the provinces , had possessed the power of imprisonment for forty days or less upon proof of means to pay or fraud .
21 I was surprised how things had changed — as I walked in I was given a big plastic number 33 ( shame I did n't turn up later as I could have stolen the number 38 to replace my house number which has seen better days ) and was given a list of reasons not to give blood .
22 Once it is accepted that principles can be part of the law for reasons not reflecting convention but just because they are morally appealing , then a door is opened for the more threatening idea that some principles are part of the law because of their moral appeal , even though they contradict what convention has endorsed .
23 On Jan. 9 the Syrian-backed Lebanese government recently formed by Umar Karami [ see pp. 37928-29 ] won a vote of confidence in the National Assembly by 37 votes to three , with 27 deputies not taking part in the voting .
24 Although it is true that the general law would in most cases not permit assignment by a buyer to a less creditworthy assignee ( since creditworthiness would be an important factor relating to the identity of the contracting party ) many sellers would prefer to insert a non-assignment clause and avoid the argument .
25 What we need , however , is not to stretch consent out of recognition but to examine whether the reasons that validate consent in general and consent to authority in particular can not also be applied to some cases not involving consent .
26 Sorry , to , I 'll say that again to fit front and rear lights during production thus cutting down the number of accidents involving cyclists not showing lights during the hours of darkness even farther .
27 Detective Chief Superintendent Cole , the final witness at the inquest , said he was unable to interview the two arresting constables , as they had been advised by their solicitors not to answer questions .
28 The League , which had already campaigned for nationwide non-payment of taxes , on Oct. 9 caused an further uproar by calling on small savers not to buy treasury bonds on the grounds that their money would be at risk .
29 Yachting can survive as a spectator sport , but the participants owe it to future generations not to promote tobacco consumption as part of their lifestyle .
30 One would have thought that the principle of people living in glass houses not throwing stones would have warned Ivan off a career as a journalist , gossip , and so-called satirist , but it did not seem to occur to him that he was asking for trouble of a kind that she knew would cause him the most intimate anguish : but in fact , so appalling were Ivan 's features and physique that comment on them was rare , even his worst enemies ( and he had hundreds ) not considering them fair game .
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