Example sentences of "[noun pl] i have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It makes even worse reading and it distresses me to have to bring it to the attention of the House .
2 I did go out with one of me mates once and he was going burgling and I needed to do one 'cos I had no money or nothing , strung out , and he went to the Old Hall Estate and broke into a house and I got in through the window with him and I just looked around and saw all these photographs of , y'know like , the family that lived there with the kids and that and I just got this horrible feeling , so I just got out the window and walked away , even though I was strung out and I did n't pick nothing up , I just left him to it ‘ cos , like , though all the burglaries I 'd done , they 'd all been shops .
3 But the other important element is that you have to reflect the style of the original , look at the notes I 've made at the bottom of the page , please .
4 For some time I had wanted to move further from London with its many social distractions , and now with the half million words of notes I had brought back with me from my world tour waiting to be distilled into a book , I felt the need more than ever .
5 That , wrote Harsnet , is part of the reason why I have chosen glass and not canvas or wood , that is why in my notes I have called it a delay in glass , which is to say a refusal of shit .
6 His people kept him monstrously short — ’ I ca n't wait till they discover the debts I 've made ; though as a matter of fact I can wait , it would be wiser too . ’
7 there 's a thing on one of my cloths I 've got some on
8 It 's not cos she 's it , cos she 's like that you know I bought her summat , when ours were not , not very old , I did n't know what to get her and I bought her an ornament , she says oh I wish people 'd stop buying me ornaments I 've got too many , has to dust round them I thought you 'll get sod all next year
9 I was now really eager to breed this species , but ( not surprisingly for the reasons I 've outlined ) the two individuals showed almost less than zero interest in each other , despite bribes of earthworms , which they can manage easily ( and eagerly ) without any need for chopping .
10 I do realize that there are problems in finding suitable sites and that possibly that costs would be involved in setting them up , but for the reasons I 've outlined we should take the bull by the horns and make an effort to find sites and budget for the costs involved so the benefits can be felt as soon as possible .
11 Erm , we hope that you will come back soon , because for all the reasons I 've outlined it 's tremendously important to us and it 's nice to have a body of , a big large body of trade unions in the city in terms of our feelings as , as local trade unions as well .
12 Er , I do n't know if you er , meant er er er the various plans to achieve er , i in that order but I certainly want obey patient 's choice er , er er a a at first that 's the reasons I 've found .
13 That 's one of the reasons I 've carried on with mine . ’
14 I was getting used to the odd feeling of distance , which made it seem as if it was all about someone else , but it was alarming to see how most of the articles highlighted the love-story angle , rather than the conditions in which John was held or the reasons I 'd given as to why the Government should be doing more .
15 One can not use the fundamental laws to deduce human behavior , for the reasons I have explained .
16 The reasons I have cited make a largely self interested case for not fundholding .
17 For the reasons I have stated above , a contrary intention does appear from the subject and the purpose of the provisions .
18 That does not mean , he wrote , that if the body does not protest the project necessarily has any value , though for reasons I have gone into already it is necessary to put such thoughts out of mind , they can not help , they can only hinder , they can not water , they can only blight .
19 So for all those reasons I have to refuse .
20 In my opinion , for the reasons I have given , it should be held so to apply .
21 For the reasons I have given , I am of the opinion that he was also correct to hold that it was a matter within his discretion to decide whether or not to require the local authority to give an undertaking in damages .
22 But I wish to observe that , if there was no such agreement , then , for the reasons I have given , there is no statutory basis for the discretionary repayment of the money by the revenue .
23 For the reasons I have given and subject to one or two further points , I would let mandamus go and order the coroner to hold an inquest .
24 It is , for the reasons I have given , not sufficient in this case to point to the medical cause of death alone when considering the question ‘ how . ’
25 For the reasons I have given I would grant the application .
26 For the reasons I have given , I conclude that if ( but only if ) Lautro did not afford to a person or firm served with an intervention notice in accordance with rule 7.3(12) the opportunity to apply to the board to rescind the notice , and/or to appeal against it , then the lack of such remedies would be unfair and the procedure unlawful .
27 Although I consider that at the relevant time Lautro 's Rules , and thus its procedure , were defective in the respects I have outlined , for the reasons I have given I conclude that Lautro were not required by law to afford to Winchester the opportunity to make representations as to why an intervention notice should not be served before deciding whether or not to serve such a notice .
28 I would respectfully agree , save that , for the reasons I have given , I do not think the case would come within paragraph ( d ) .
29 For the reasons I have given I would dismiss this appeal .
30 For the reasons I have given , as a matter of pure law this House should look at Hansard and give effect to the Parliamentary intention it discloses in deciding the appeal .
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