Example sentences of "[noun pl] in the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Firstly , in addition to looking for a general description of the information available in the films , this study was concerned particularly with information which is related to risks and potential risks in the scenes .
2 That it is a weapon with which practitioners can fight for improvements in standards , and the elimination of risks in the interests of their patients .
3 Both men took , grave risks in the roles they adopted and could well have been attacked had their disguises been broken by the people they lived with .
4 Making risk assessments while they were driving may have caused drivers to think about risks in the situations to a greater extent than they would have in the course of normal driving .
5 Initially stimuli are compared in terms of the total numbers of descriptions and potential risks in the protocols .
6 The follow up for morbidity of gastric cancer shows increased risks in the years after starting cimetidine treatment .
7 Christ had entrusted the government of His Church to St Peter and his successors in the words , " Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church " ( Matthew 16 : 18 ) and " I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth , it shall be bound also in heaven " ( Matthew 16 : 19 ) .
8 This will enable the current coaches , now established as a so-called cluster , and their successors in the years to come , to identify and monitor the development of present and future Canada players as they work their way up through the system .
9 Well so much for the sea surface temperatures of the past , but we 've been looking at our records of the compounds in the sediments even more carefully and what we 've seen in there are molecular fingerprints which do not match those of the marine organisms .
10 They in turn act as enzymes , machines that manufacture other compounds in the cells , the gene products .
11 But spare a thought for the Isle of Man Government 's treatment of depositors in the Savings and Investment Bank .
12 Further along the path , also on the right , are small fissures in the clints that may be passed unnoticed : one of these , Flood Entrance Pot , was the first alternative way down into Gaping Gill when the main shaft was impassable .
13 The numerous cracks and fissures in the walls , which on every side present themselves , denote that at no very distant period this disgrace to the parish in which it stands will effectively remove itself .
14 I just went on about the frogs in the flowers , and I never thought about his dreams .
15 It needs a practical demonstration and the gynaecologist ends up with his legs in the stirrups .
16 He released her and sat back , flexing his legs in the confines of the car .
17 That phrase always makes me smile because er my wife recently bought a pair of tights with three legs in the tights .
18 Acid House comes a close second to football fans in the tabloids ' top ten of moral panics .
19 Fans in the seats are asked to stand up in solidarity .
20 The sunlight shone through the glass of the conservatory and showed up the piece of gold in his front tooth , the little , gingery hairs in the folds of his red cheeks , the grey ones in his drooping moustache .
21 Anne was more comfortable with the married women she worked with , many of them with husbands in the Forces and with the same problems and hopes as herself .
22 We are helping to introduce better farming , livestock and soil conservation methods in the areas around the National Parks so the people do n't feel a need to clear the forest for more land .
23 This growth in the proportion of overseas equities in the portfolios and subsequent decline has been mirrored by a fall in the importance of UK company shares over 1980–1984 , but a resurgence since then at the expense of overseas securities .
24 Environmentalists have also expressed concern at reports of massive fish deaths in the region , which local people blame on use of herbicides and pesticides in the plantations .
25 In a related development , the National Research Council ( NRC ) issued its long-awaited report on June 28 on pesticides in the diets of infants and children .
26 People would stop and ask foreigners in the streets to explain obscure phrases .
27 JOAN BAEZ , the American folk singer , was heaped with flowers and apologies yesterday after night club bouncers in Mannheim had barred her from entry on the grounds that there were too many foreigners in the clubs already .
28 Thorny uses all kinds of things I would never have known about , she finds fungi in the woods , horrible brown oozing stuff , and cooks them so that you would never know .
29 Crelinsten classified torturers into the zealots , who were professionals and true believers in the causes for which they tortured ; the careerists , who wanted a well-paid job with privileges ; and the sadists , who enjoyed cruelty .
30 All of this involved taking both parents ’ sex cells with their half-complement of DNA signals in the chromosomes , and bringing them together so that the cells could clamp on to each other and start dividing and growing .
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