Example sentences of "[noun pl] in [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Can strong habituall custome Work with such Magick on the mind , and manners In spight of sex and nature ? ( ii.ii. 140 — 2 )
2 Robert had read the chapter on lavatories in Morals and Manners in Islam by Dr Marwan Ibrahim Al-Kaysi of the University of Yarmouk .
3 But , then , his entire stock of knowledge about Islam was derived from Morals and Manners in Islam by Dr Marwan Ibrahim Al-Kaysi .
4 Tony Wedd gave the example of an alignment of Scots pine clumps in Kent between Lyewood Common and Kent Hatch .
5 Rock garden , dwarf bedding schemes , & clumps in front of border .
6 Rock garden , containers & clumps in front of border .
7 Its most controversial aspect was to attack agro-chemical risks in food by banning all pesticides known to cause cancer or harm a developing fetus .
8 Also that you used the vehicle without insurance being in force in respect of third party risks in contravention of section a hundred and forty three of the Road Traffic Act .
9 Seona Reid , director of the SAC , said that priorities had been identified for the development of the arts in Scotland over the next three to four years .
10 The Prime Minister was attending the first meeting at the Royal Society of Arts in London of the Walpole Committee , an amalgam of private industry whose objective is to talk up the best that Britain has to offer .
11 Reynolds was here addressing students at the Royal Academy of Arts in London in 1772 .
12 He was a main contributor to the photographic exhibition held in the Great Room of the Society of Arts in London in 1852 , which was the first of its kind .
13 For , at one extreme , we have a description of that unique quality for which the arts , and the arts in education in particular here , are quite properly prized : namely their existence , according to Ross , as ‘ special ways of knowing ’ , in which our ideas and feelings are expressed through an engagement with ‘ sensuous forms ’ using that form of direct symbolization identified by Langer , which , by definition , relies upon non-discursive forms of communication that by their very nature defy translation into words .
14 Unlike the work of finance or even the public sector , women have been influential in the presentation of the visual arts in Britain for some time , Sally Townsend talks to Annely Juda and Angela Flowers , two women who started in the gallery business with young children , whose lives came together briefly when they ran galleries next door to each other , two women who , together with their sons , help to shape work on show in central London
15 There is an underlying hostility to the arts in Britain on the part of the mass of people and that , I think , is a result of the way in which the arts have become associated in many people 's minds with snobbery , with money and , in the case of Scotland , with anglicisation .
16 The National Art Collections Fund announced the winners of its awards for outstanding contributions to the visual arts in Britain on 15 April .
17 For the present exhibition , Scully , who has important museum surveys at the Fort Worth Museum of Modern Art , where he will be uniting the ‘ Catherine ’ paintings , in May 1993 , and at the Hôtel des Arts in Paris in September 1993 , has created five large new compositions in his studio in Deptford , as well as several seductive smaller canvases and a suite of pastels and watercolours .
18 The Whitney Museum of American Art has established an honorary award to be given annually ‘ to an individual or representatives of an organisation who have made a significant contribution to the arts in America through a sustained commitment to the diversity , quality and originality of American artistic achievement ’ .
19 Six of the seven woodcuts of ‘ War ’ ( 1922–23 ) , her major graphic cycle from the years of the Weimar Republic , are shown , but her later work , dating from the time of her dismissal from the Prussian Academy of Arts in Berlin in 1933 , is thinly covered .
20 it therefore determines to provide increasing opportunities for the study of the social sciences and the arts in courses of such type and standard as will demand of students the effort essential to understanding ;
21 Run by the Open College of the Arts in association with the Trust , ‘ The Art of Garden Design ’ aims to introduce the principles of good , small-scale garden planning through a series of practical activities .
22 They felt there would be two consequences to this which would disadvantage the arts in relation to other curriculum areas .
23 I will be visiting Community and Recreational Arts in Barnet in March , where I will have the pleasure of attending the official opening of the Tedder lounge , which has been extended to include a wheelchair accessible art room .
24 The Museum houses the Welsh national art collection and the principal theme of these galleries is the work of Welsh artists in their British and European context , and the history of the Fine and Applied Arts in Wales from the Middle Ages to the 20th century .
25 This merely enables the local authority to rely on the private law concepts relating to the passing of the burden of covenants attached to land , i.e. the burden of a covenant can not pass to successors in title at common law , Austerberry v Oldham Corporation , and only restrictive covenants , as opposed to positive covenants may pass under the equitable rules , first proposed in Tulk v Moxhay .
26 This waiver extends to sub-licensees and successors in title of the Press .
27 Example 1:1 Definitions clause for business lease ( 1 ) The following definitions apply : " Act " means an Act of Parliament whenever passed and a reference to a specific Act includes any legislation amending or replacing it or made under it " Approved " means approved in writing by the Landlord " Consent " means the Landlord 's written consent " Insured Risks " means the risks covered by the policy of insurance arranged by the Landlord to include ( subject to cover being available on reasonable terms ) loss or damage by fire storm tempest flood earthquake aircraft and articles dropped from them riot or civil commotion malicious damage impact bursting and overflowing of pipes tanks and other apparatus and any other risks insured against by the Landlord " Landlord " includes the successors in title of the original landlord and where there is a superior landlord includes him as well " Last Year " means the period of twelve months ending on the Termination of the Term " Legislation " means any regulation or directive of the European Community , any Act and any subordinate legislation made under or by virtue of them " Notice " means written notice " Tenant " includes the successors in title of the original tenant " Term " includes both the term expressly granted by this Lease and also any statutory continuation of it " Termination of the Term " includes termination by effluxion of time , notice , forfeiture , surrender , disclaimer or any other means ( 2 ) Where a party consists of two or more persons the obligations of that party are joint and several ( 3 ) Any covenant by the tenant not to do something includes a covenant not to permit or suffer that thing to be done ( 4 ) All payments to be made by the tenant are exclusive of VAT
28 Example 1:1 Definitions clause for business lease ( 1 ) The following definitions apply : " Act " means an Act of Parliament whenever passed and a reference to a specific Act includes any legislation amending or replacing it or made under it " Approved " means approved in writing by the Landlord " Consent " means the Landlord 's written consent " Insured Risks " means the risks covered by the policy of insurance arranged by the Landlord to include ( subject to cover being available on reasonable terms ) loss or damage by fire storm tempest flood earthquake aircraft and articles dropped from them riot or civil commotion malicious damage impact bursting and overflowing of pipes tanks and other apparatus and any other risks insured against by the Landlord " Landlord " includes the successors in title of the original landlord and where there is a superior landlord includes him as well " Last Year " means the period of twelve months ending on the Termination of the Term " Legislation " means any regulation or directive of the European Community , any Act and any subordinate legislation made under or by virtue of them " Notice " means written notice " Tenant " includes the successors in title of the original tenant " Term " includes both the term expressly granted by this Lease and also any statutory continuation of it " Termination of the Term " includes termination by effluxion of time , notice , forfeiture , surrender , disclaimer or any other means ( 2 ) Where a party consists of two or more persons the obligations of that party are joint and several ( 3 ) Any covenant by the tenant not to do something includes a covenant not to permit or suffer that thing to be done ( 4 ) All payments to be made by the tenant are exclusive of VAT
29 1.1 " the Landlord " includes the successors in title of the Landlord to the Site and any other person who is at any time entitled to the reversion immediately expectant on the term agreed to be granted by this agreement
30 1.2 " the Tenant " does not include any successors in title of the Tenant Unless the agreement provides otherwise , privity of contract will ensure that the original parties remain in a contractual relationship inter se to the extent of their obligations under the agreement .
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