Example sentences of "[noun pl] have [be] take " in BNC.

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1 This is , of course , a very difficult area and the Group did not produce a credible response to the problem , because there is n't one , once the crucial decision to publish results at all these ages has been taken .
2 Some of the bitterest fighting during the last nine months has been taking place between these two factions in and around Mogadishu , particularly since November 1991 , with neither yet gaining control .
3 It is not advisable for an expatriate and family to arrive in Britain without some steps having been taken in advance to arrange accommodation .
4 There were strong regional differences ( with the south being the least tolerant region ) after individual social and economic characteristics had been taken into account , however , and those regional differences did not decline over the period .
5 BR 's project manager , Kenneth McKay , acknowledged that financial considerations had been taken into account .
6 Elaborate steps had been taken to conceal plans for the wedding .
7 The Commissioners awarded an initial penalty of £125 , as they were not satisfied that all reasonable steps had been taken to obtain the information .
8 Ludendorff has widely been given sole credit for the great German victory at Tannenberg , but before he and Hindenburg had even arrived at their new post imaginative steps had been taken by Colonel Max Hoffmann , Deputy Chief of Operations of the Eighth Army , which made that victory possible .
9 After three centuries of decline , the first steps had been taken on the path to restoration .
10 He added that part of the difficulty before the Pacific War had resulted from low labour costs ; steps had been taken to raise the cost of labour to an appropriate level .
11 In the military sphere certain steps had been taken , which included strengthening air bases far beyond the normal requirements of the occupation , as for example in the extension of runways , allegedly for coping with B-36 bombers .
12 Some serious steps had been taken towards that outburst of anticlericalism and , in particular , antipapalism which marked the later fourteenth century : suspicions had been raised about the church 's landed wealth and envy of it had been fanned ; resentment against the papacy — by the clergy as well as by the laity — was growing ; above all parliament was providing an assembly where hostility could be orchestrated , diffused and preserved .
13 It was a matter of time , most steps had been taken , ‘ We are leaving St-Jean to avoid talk ; we shall have to be reasonably discreet for the next few months or so . ’
14 Parliament never intended that the limit on the amount of compensation payable to individual depositors could be side-stepped by dispositions made after formal steps had been taken to initiate the winding up process .
15 All he had was the certainty that whatever steps had been taken that day had led them in one direction only .
16 First , an exclusion clause in an unsigned document is not incorporated unless at the time of making the contract , either the buyer was aware of its existence or else reasonable steps had been taken to bring it to his attention .
17 As with an unsigned contractual document , this method of incorporation will work only if at the time of making the contract the buyer actually knew of the existence of the terms or else reasonable steps had been taken to bring them to his attention .
18 In that case , the party whom the clause favours ( usually the seller ) will not be found to have incorporated it in the contract unless either it was in a contractual document signed by the other party or else reasonable steps had been taken to bring it to the attention of the other party .
19 In April Mandela had admitted that the 1984 mutineers had been tortured , but said that steps had been taken to ensure that it would not happen again .
20 Similar steps had been taken on May 31 by France and were taken on June 6 by Italy , while the Belgian government warned against eating British beef and set up a health inquiry .
21 The negative aspects of the United Front were still dominant at the end of 1934 but several positive steps had been taken .
22 After the brothers had been taken away , their family filled out forms reporting the ‘ disappearance ’ at al-Bayan police station .
23 On several occasions , according to Werner 's informants , groups of Toraja resistance fighters had been taken into the forest by the Japanese , machine-gunned , and left there as a warning to others .
24 This practice was officially discouraged in 1927 , but not before thousands of pictures had been taken , one of which is reproduced on this page .
25 After a dress rehearsal for a Symphony Hour show , I suggested , as producer , that in the adagio movement of the main symphonic item the violins had been taking the tempo slightly too fast .
26 Those words have been taken out and replaced by ’ an ever closer union ’ but what is the difference ?
27 Rather it is an additional line of argument in cases where reliance is being placed on the fact that the decision is unreasonable or that irrelevant considerations have been taken into account .
28 In practice , the courts do not like to rely on unreasonableness alone but rather to base the decision on the fact that irrelevant considerations have been taken into account , etc. ( see Bromley London B.C. v. GLC ( H.L. , 1983 ) .
29 One looks firstly to see whether irrelevant considerations have been taken into account ; if they have not the decision may still be struck down if it is unreasonable in the substantive sense .
30 More seriously , because the tiles are much heavier than either slates or clay tiles , the simple replacement of one of these traditional coverings with concrete units , where no steps have been taken to strengthen a lightly structured roof , is likely , at best , to result in deflection of the roof surface ( sagging of concrete tile replacement roof surfaces is a common sight in older houses ) .
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