Example sentences of "[noun pl] and the new " in BNC.

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1 The music was amateurish and the performers self-conscious , but the evening was so beautiful that if you shut your eyes to the cars and the new shop blocks you might imagine yourself briefly in Shakespeare 's England .
2 Cassirer 's brother Bruno 's publishing house served both Secessionists and the new Expressionist poets as did the magazines , Kunst und Künstler and Pan , that he edited .
3 To give rail access to these new shops and the new Smithy , Boiler and Erecting Shops , built in 1859 , a bridge was erected ( No 171E ) and an entrance curve laid in , containing two sets of track .
4 Often this will not be successful if the population is attached to its traditional methods and the new methods are radically different from the old ; a careful marketing campaign to change attitudes can have a dramatic effect , particularly by presenting new products in a way that is not dramatically different from the old .
5 Latin American countries voted in favour ( except Costa Rica , which abstained ) , and the United States was joined by most Western nations and the new Panamanian government in voting against .
6 One takes me along St Mary 's Villas and Barrowclough Road , past the old municipal baths and the new DIY and wholesale paint centre ; while the other means cutting down Lennox Gardens , taking that street whose name I always forget into Rumsey Road , then past the row of shops and back into the High Street .
7 The transition from the post-war boom in traditional industries to a modernized branch plant structure occurred after the Hailsham Plan of 1963 and changed the nature of the origins of the region 's economic problems from overspecialization by industrial sector ( i.e. over-reliance on old basic industries particularly affected by changing market demands and the new international division of labour ) into overspecialization by corporate function ( i.e. under-representation of control and research and development functions ) .
8 Neighbourhood development The works have obviously improved the appearance of the model areas and the new spaces created have provided increased opportunity for neighbourhood interaction .
9 He called on the international community " to come together to extend and co-ordinate its assistance " and warned delegates that although the Fund intended to adapt existing lending programmes to help those most affected by the crisis , notably the front-line states , oil-importing countries and the new democracies of eastern Europe , the costs of such finance were likely to be prohibitive .
10 Experience gained with the chopper control equipment on the Jubilees and the new bogies on 762 , provided a way forward , but there remained the problem of new bodies .
11 Cassidys are in the process of upgrading everything but their prices ( the whole outfit pictured above excluding shoes comes in at less than £50 ) and the travellers declared themselves seriously impressed with the clothes , the balance of the models and the new shop design .
12 However , road pricing is rapidly claiming widespread support — from organisations as different in their political perspectives as the Institute of Directors and the new Institute for Public Policy Research .
13 While Deng is doing his best to assure the world that nothing has changed , that China will push ahead with its reforms and will hold its door open for foreign business and investment , the post-Tiananmen purging of liberal intellectual elements and the new emphasis on ‘ political education ’ have enormously strengthened the position of the Communist Party 's hardline Marxists , led by Yang Shangkun , the president , and Li Peng , the prime minister .
14 With the improved methods of catching , both in the design of nets and the new highly sophisticated electronics for finding the shoals , large catches were being made .
15 The nationalist movements and the new nations which made their appearance after the Second World War thus displayed features which distinguish them in some ways from the earlier movements which led to the formation of nation states in Western Europe , because they arose in a very different international context — in a highly developed capitalist world economy , in the aftermath of a division of the world among powerful imperialist nations , and in the midst of political transformations resulting from the growth of the socialist movement .
16 Urging closer co-operation between member states and the new Moslem republics of the former Soviet Union , Ali said that the IDB would " multiply " efforts " to promote counter-trade and intra-trade deals " .
17 Cities and the new industrial areas were , by and large , the magnets which attracted them .
18 Many members enjoy the advantage of having their subscriptions paid by their employers and the new rates mean that these members ' employers will be penalised by the direct debit fee .
19 In his study of the Women 's Christian Temperance Union ( WCTU ) , Gusfield argued that the movement shifted from assimilative to coercive reform as the old middle class lost ground to upwardly mobile immigrant groups and the new middle classes .
20 We have already discussed the relationship of officers to party groups and the new statutory powers given to three senior officers , but there remains the controversial issue of limiting the political activities of officers .
21 Before we look at the separate groups and the new pope 's treatment of them , more needs to be said about poverty and preaching .
22 ‘ Philippe does n't give me the impression of being exactly hard up , ’ retorted Melissa , thinking of the designer suits and the new luxury Peugeot in the garage .
23 Amateurism provided a bridge between the old world of aristocratic values and the new one of bourgeois exertion and competitiveness .
24 In fact , Wordsworth 's position begins to look surprisingly consistent , if one considers what he is against ; he is prepared to use any weapon to attack liberal commercial values and the new affluent middle class .
25 Soon the behavioural change leads to new values and the new structures and policies to mirror the new values .
26 Following the earlier reduction of similar size Amdahl says it has been able to restructure or consolidate a number of operations and the new cuts represent a further streamlining .
27 Following the earlier reduction of similar size Amdahl says it has been able to restructure or consolidate a number of operations and the new cuts represent a further streamlining .
28 The 1983 Water Act reduced local authority representation on Regional Water Authorities and the new boards have fewer members , all of whom are now appointed by the Environment Minister .
29 The survey will also supply intelligence and research to support local authorities and the new local enterprise companies ( LECs , equivalent to TECs in England and Wales ) which will be responsible for the local implementation of training policy .
30 In fact , one of the major tensions was precisely that between the residual kinship patterns and the new form of relationships that were being constructed in the course of the nineteenth century .
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