Example sentences of "[noun pl] and bring out " in BNC.

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1 His talents were demonstrated through a system that gave him opportunities and brought out the best in him .
2 A critique of a form of thought will attempt to mark out its location , describe its boundaries , indicate its limitations and bring out its implicit assumptions and any ideological undercurrents .
3 The young gentleman reached down into the attaché case at his feet and brought out a notebook and pencil .
4 He saw a man crying for help with his face burned off , had to crawl over the dead and injured to reach the flames and brought out six bodies , including a child .
5 Most mammals use their sense of smell to find food , and all rely on smell to supplement their taste buds and bring out the full flavour of food , as anyone with a heavy cold will know .
6 Believe me it is the sense of double standards , and this alone , which infuriates the Pakistanis and brings out the bad feelings .
7 That Saturday evening she joined the passeggiata , with her hair pulled flat against her skull to smooth its crinkles and bring out its sheen , and the gold medallion of the Madonna she had received for her first communion hanging bright against the new pale shawl she had crocheted herself .
8 The story was put aside for twenty years , then rescued by the wife of one of the now adult nephews , shown to a publisher relation , tried out satisfactorily on his own children and brought out to resounding success .
9 The oven timer buzzed , and Adele moved over to attend to it ; Alina dug around inside her layers and brought out what looked like a colour postcard .
10 Hewlett-Packard Co has put a hard hat onto its HP Apollo 9000 Series 700 workstations and brought out a new Posix-compliant HP-RT 1.0 real-time operating system for them for factory-floor and control applications .
11 In Wright 's case , Taylor has had sports psychologist John Gardner attached to the squad , in an effort to ease his nerves and bring out his bright side .
12 The only link with the Chinese forces was by air , ferrying in supplies and bringing out Chinese troops to be trained with the American forces under General Stilwell .
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