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1 They 're the same now as they were in the fifties when making presentations and that 's about the skills you need when you stand up to speak and the skills you need in the preparation phase so the two towers of presentation skills are about the preparation and the presentation itself .
2 Here the individual pixels are about the size of characters and you can Set and Reset them at will .
3 Whatever one 's views are about the most appropriate professional staff to work with older people , the reality is that social works are the influential voice .
4 With the passage of time , demons are about the only form of unpleasantness not recorded in accounts of the wetlands .
5 Also known as Black Hounds , these dangerous animals are about the size of a pony , and menace the Devonshire roads of south-western England at dusk .
6 Turning her attentions to a community , Trotter Street , her two new books are about the arrival of a real baby around the time of the Street 's nativity play and the building of an extension on to the house of the boisterous Pattersons .
7 These two books are about the ways in which two important groups of mammals — the ruminants and the marsupials — utilise different food resources .
8 All these disputes were about the same theme : the nature of the Europe that the Six wished to construct and the proper relationship between the Community and the member states .
9 Some of the smaller , and most certainly highly active dinosaurs were about the size of a chicken , and there is more than a passing similarity between a running ostrich and the kind of reconstruction that shows fleet-footed , running dinosaurs .
10 A lot of the argument among the authorities on these animals is about the equivalence or otherwise of certain bones in dinosaurs and bird skeletons ( and particularly the Jurassic bird Archaeopteryx ) ; this makes for rather dry reading for the layman .
11 A characteristic feature of the placebo effect is that it does not last all that long : it is usually only a matter of weeks , and two to six months is about the most that can be expected : If a patient responds to a new treatment and is still well after a year , it is unlikely to be a placebo effect .
12 I would say that three months is about the maximum , and that long before this period is up the confection , like a fresh fruit sorbet stored in the deep freeze , has lost its exquisite flavour and the edge has gone from the sharp scent .
13 Remember : Keys are about the range of facilities and equipment .
14 Compact models are about the size of a microwave .
15 These nets are about the diameter of a bicycle wheel and are attached to a rope so that they can be lowered over the edge of jetties and into deep pools .
16 Because , I approve lesbian mothers , I approve of single women having children , I also approve of surrogacy , my concerns are about the technology side , who 's controlling it and what 's , what are women 's bodies being used for ?
17 The greatest areas of concern for tax-payers were about the Revenue 's staff 's apparent lack of authority to deal with certain problems , difficulty in getting through to the right person on the telephone , and about the time it took to resolve problems and answer queries .
18 One in three householders believed bills were less than they would have been under the existing system ( of flat-rate charges ) , nearly one in five said bills were about the same , while more than one in three said they were higher .
19 The first of these tensions is about the degree of attention that needs to be paid to natural ( i.e. genetically given ) sex differences and similarities .
20 One of the articles is about the abstract artist Sol LeWitt , who was in Krauss 's opinion misinterpreted by three critics as serving ‘ as triumphant illustration of the powers of human reason .
21 In T.buttikoferi the light and dark bands are about the same width , but in T.joka the dark ones are about 3–4 times as wide as the light .
22 On one level the analogy is with the commercial world of fashion and beauty — Ronke currently works with a prestigious fashion house and is continually amazed by the vast amounts of money and energy invested in creating the facade of beauty ; ‘ the handbags are about the brevity and the illusion of this — one minute you ‘ re in the spotlight the next you ‘ re in the dark , finished and forgotten .
23 Living costs are about the same as Britain .
24 The battle of ideas is about the very categories to be used in policy debate .
25 One of our poems was about the great carved tympanum over the main door of the Catedral Nueva , an incredibly detailed , deeply undercarved Nativity in two tall arched panels .
26 The questions are about the scope and quality of partnership relationships .
27 In a sense such questions are about the right level at which to study memory .
28 SOME of the world 's most enduring stories are about the disturbingly sudden appearance of a Savage Outsider in a community that regards itself as settled and , by its own lights , civilised .
29 My worst feelings were about the bit of a temper I had , and all I can remember was my silent prayer , ‘ Lord , take this away ’ . ’
30 That although you know , erm interviewing eve if if not everybody on the flats , as many people as possible , as to what their feelings were about the flats and so on , to actually ca done all that , and involved them erm in the erm What has resulted is , the flats being vacated .
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