Example sentences of "[noun pl] be on the " in BNC.

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1 SCOTVEC courses for beginners are on the basis of a half day per week for one year while the NWRAC Home Machine Knitting Course requires a full day per week for two years , or three if Part 2 is included .
2 Its part is written a perfect fifth higher than it plays and as long as its notes are on the stave it sounds well .
3 Some of pop 's flavour-of-the-month acts are on the bill .
4 Since these appropriation accounts are on the cash basis , accounting standards would hardly seem relevant .
5 Yes the ducks are on the road .
6 ‘ Just as well that the Germans are on the other side of Seine : I can sleep late today . ’
7 Once policies are on the statute books , there is reluctance to change them , or change is very slow and largely through non-statutory guidance .
8 To take an example , the observation that shareholders are on the whole behaving passively is consistent with the view that they know little about the firm and consequently leave everything to the manager .
9 Fruit and vegetables are on the ground and first floors , with flush on the floor below .
10 Which raises a further question , whether these activities are on the up too .
11 Poisonings are on the increase , with 64,000 cases reported nationally last year .
12 The other two or three hours are on the floor .
13 No deal is certain until the signatures are on the dotted line and the money comes through .
15 While it is clear what the publishers stand to gain by investing both money and effort in ensuring that their key titles are on the shelves at all times , there might be more reluctance on the part of the booksellers to accept this encroachment onto their territory .
16 It 's from a guy who knows where the body is , and who knows exactly whose dabs are on the shiv .
17 Nearly one million Somalians are on the brink of death by starvation or disease .
18 Another thirty Health and Safety proposals are on the way such as that on working time in the news last week and another to restore the protection for young people at work which we 've lost over the last decade , and just as important the union has just n not just reacting to what 's coming out of Brussels , it 's actually helping set the agenda .
19 The dealers and auction houses are on the other side , saying that any national droit de suite in the United States would create a huge administrative morass for the benefit of a few already-wealthy artists that would help drive the US art market overseas or underground .
20 The quality can be high , but terracottas are on the whole cheap products for the local market , and so give valuable indication of the styles prevalent in particular places .
21 You will have to go to the local council offices yourself to find out what plans are on the horizon .
22 The Osaka Police Department says plans are on the board to increase monitoring of computer bulletin boards used to distribute and sell illegal pornography .
23 How long it will be before branded products are on the market is a function of how high the specification is cut and the time it takes to generate the test suites .
24 Early times are on the left , and late times are on the right .
25 Early times are on the left , and late times are on the right .
26 He is delighted with the way in which the players have responded to new coach Stewart McKinney , and is hopeful that better times are on the way .
27 The best time to visit is in stormy conditions when the birds are on the wing , but the day we went was calm and we saw them only sitting on their nests .
28 Crickets ' ears are on the " knees " of their front walking legs , while cicadas carry their ears on their bellies .
29 The children 's roundabouts are on the right .
30 While the Boat Race fans are on the Thames towpath here , the soccer supporters will be out on the terraces this Easter , and no-one will be shouting louder than at the County ground , where Swindon are taking on West Bromwich Albion .
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