Example sentences of "[noun pl] be [adv] in " in BNC.

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1 Underground mines are still in operation in Weardale .
2 Notes are now in desk . ’
3 1 ) How many notes are there in a Triad ?
4 2 ) How many notes are there in a Pentatonic scale ?
5 3 ) How many notes are there in a Chromatic scale ?
6 How many notes are there in a scale ?
7 MY work has been written in sand and after my death will disappear in a decade or so , ’ wrote August Bournonville ( 1805–79 ) , the Danish choreographer whose ballets are still in the repertory , and whom the Danes have been celebrating with yet another Bournonville festival in Copenhagen .
8 Such personnel are already in short supply and therefore efficient and cost effective training methods are required .
9 The Marcopolo satellites are already in place .
10 Discussions are still in progress and final agreements are expected soon .
11 The objects are now in a safe , awaiting their reinstallation in the Nancy museum .
12 Financial returns are again in line with what was expected , and will possibly prove better .
13 And the Copts are hardly in a position to complain .
14 ‘ My house is in complete chaos , because four years after moving , most of our possessions are still in packing cases , ’ says Loyd , 41 .
15 So far as enterprises are concerned , their accounts are now in such a state of confusion that most of them no longer care about increases in their costs .
16 The following states are broadly in favour of the Directive :
17 Member States are generally in a good position to protect their own interests through the organisation .
18 Surface states are neither in the conduction band ( i.e. free , and able to conduct electricity ) nor in the valence band ( busy keeping the crystal structure together ) , but somewhere in between .
19 Other investments are largely in subsidiary banks in the UK or abroad .
20 The Corinthians are not in the privileged position of judges between theological niceties .
21 If you are over 50 years of age , if your skills are not in demand or if you live in an economic blackspot , you may find that your chances of finding a suitable job elsewhere are poor .
22 All these skills are much in demand in society and are qualifications for a wide range of vocations and employments .
23 Although the standard of service offered by the special clinics is generally fairly high , in some ways the Germans are still in the Dark Ages with regard to the sexually transmitted diseases .
24 Such evidence as there is indicates that the Russians are still in Baghdad .
25 Then we move on from the getting of work , the erm doing of work to ensuring that the operations are not in going back to our quality , that the actual profit that we are producing and delivering is er of the top top quality .
26 If the principle ever was firmly established , it has gone , but the principle 's underlying weight is protected by the fact that the defences are there in law .
27 Chairmen of football clubs are only in the papers and on the radio when the team is up the creek .
28 Both door posts have been previously dented and although the keeps are still in place , the doors , when fully open , touch the posts .
29 Nevertheless , deregulation only applies to occupation agreements made after 15 January 1989 , and many potential cases are still in the pipeline .
30 1.45 Pleadings in running-down cases are usually in common form and none more so than the defence — often a straight denial of everything the plaintiff claims , although Ord 18 , r12(1) ( c ) requires that where a claim for damages is made against a party , a defence must contain particulars of any facts on which the party relies in mitigation of , or otherwise in relation to , the amount of damages .
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