Example sentences of "[noun pl] the other [noun] " in BNC.

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1 NEEDING to unwind the key in my back for 10 minutes the other day I passed a church near Everton 's ground declaring ; ‘ It 's never too late to talk to God . ’
2 He said in 90 Minutes the other week that his dream is to play for a big Italian club .
3 See if they yeah , they have n't got any video cases , they had some video cases the other day and I forgot to get some
4 In an experiment carried out by Anthony Arak , a zoologist from Cambridge University , the large calling male was removed from ten groups ; in eight cases the other group members dispersed .
5 I did dream about some kittens the other night , there was
6 We went up into the Forestry Commission woods the other side of the hills . "
7 I found myself looking at toupees the other day , horrible things , rat skins ! ’
8 According to experts the other trick … is just to slow down .
9 THERE was an article in The Times the other day which said that good spelling did not necessarily make for good writing .
10 Five times the other investment .
11 I was coming back from the shops the other day when I saw him get out of his car .
12 on the roundabouts the other side of Leeds .
13 " I saw it in your eyes the other day when you warned me about the marchioness .
14 And it 's blind cause of all the bushes the other side .
15 Equally there might be considerations the other half was okay .
16 If I was cynical , Bill , I 'd say it 's a good way of making a bit of extra money , and that was confirmed at a meeting I went to of motor traders the other day .
17 And all along the Cages the other eagles scuttered and muttered , some staring silently at the Men taking the oldest and most venerable among them away , others pretending not to look .
18 So his got one , I noticed he has two books the other day .
19 But that one as done the stairs had have to do the bedrooms the other week .
20 My brain slammed into reverse — moving back to Jim 's words the other night .
21 Hello , oh that 's pretty Charlotte and Benjamin found their Christmas presents the other day .
22 As your left hand comes back , follow with the right , turning your hips and shoulders the other way
23 Italians ' dislike of PR far outruns French or British anxieties the other way .
24 It 's funny , I thought about sweeteners the other day , I think it 's just as bad as sugar , I think .
25 But was n't Mrs Thatcher telling the Japanese to break down their trade barriers the other day ?
26 Erm he 's had three crates the other day back cash rejects shows you that poor slates are going out .
27 We was on about rats the other day at work cos Jackie was saying on her way cos her husband works in ooh God !
28 Offences The other prisoner on the run is James Gardner ( 31 ) , jailed last month for two years six months for assault and road traffic offences .
29 So the , you know that thing I was showing you about , th finding them bones the other night ?
30 Remember that thing I told you about the bones the other night ?
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