Example sentences of "[adj] use [art] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 If you want to maintain a minimum temperature above 10°C , it may be economical to use a cheaper form of fuel to provide the bulk of the heat and top up the supply with electric heaters in very cold weather .
2 However , it would be quite reasonable to use a higher order of averaging , possibly with a bias towards the current maximum , to provide an early warning of plant stress — the talking plant envisaged in the original project aims .
3 I understand the gearbox is designed to run at a temperature of 95°C , so would it not be prudent to use the heavier oil ?
4 After a certain stage , children become able to use a greater variety of linguistic devices to express certain sorts of clausal relations and this makes them less reliant on dependent-clause structures .
5 Apart from being able to use a wider range of taps and fittings ( including ‘ aerated ’ taps ) , the main advantages of an unvented system are :
6 Some of the more recent studies , which have been able to use a longer data set , have found evidence that the absolute size of mispricings has declined over time .
7 However , Jansher 's continuing rivalry with Jahangir Khan is likely to be the highlight of the first World Open to use the lower 17-inch tin .
8 If using this method , it is necessary to use a higher value of resistor R1 ( 100k works well ) .
9 To determine these it is necessary to use a slower method such as atomic absorption spectroscopy or neutron activation .
10 In Chapter 1 we proposed that our representation of ordinary nouns should , strictly speaking , include round brackets , to indicate occurrence of a property , inside the square brackets representing entity-hood , but that we should normally allow the round brackets to be omitted in order to simplify the notation , thus abbreviating ( 41 ) ( a ) to ( b ) : ( 41 ) ( a ) [ ( NEIGHBOUR ) ] ( b ) [ NEIGHBOUR ] In the present case , however , given that the function of the adjective is exactly to distinguish between property and entity aspects of a single syntactical item , we shall be obliged to use the fuller form .
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