Example sentences of "[adj] within [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The smooth-phrased B.B.C. announcer , the amusing don , the self-confident politician , the jargon-perfect critic , the editor of the literary magazine — all are reducible within a few months to a bewildered defensive creature with hollow cheeks and desperate eyes whose only cares will be to see that he gets his fair share of the potato ration , that nobody steals his bed boards , and that he exchanges his cigarette ends for food or vice versa at the best possible price .
2 We now know that during the Saturday daylight raids on London , a chiefs-of-staff meeting took urgent action on deciding that invasion was likely within a few hours ; they had the code word ‘ Cromwell ’ flashed from the War Room to military units at 20.07 hours that evening ( which presumably led to the flap at my unit ; the station commander was away that weekend , and the acting CO in charge ) .
3 Rot , either in the glue or the wood or both , was only too likely within a few months .
4 Such virtual reality systems are already in existence today and foreshadow far more powerful developments likely within a few years .
5 In Phillips v Grampian Health Board ( 1989 ) The Times , 9 March a widow was held entitled to recover damages even though she married the deceased when he was already suffering from a fatal disease and she knew that his death was inevitable within a few years .
6 FSA does not apply to any transaction between a principal and another person if they are bodies corporate within the same group or the transaction is in connection with a joint enterprise in which they are , or propose to become , participators .
7 excluded if it refers to arrangements between a body corporate and another body corporate within the same group or is in connection with a joint enterprise as noted above
8 It is not yet clear whether this represents a ZNF25 gene duplication , but since both EcoRI fragments are present within the same YAC clones , all KOX19-hybridising sequences are located in 10p11.2 .
9 And then on 10 April 1544 came Henry 's chilling order to his brother-in-law Edward , earl of Hertford , to put all to fire and sword , burn Edinburgh town , so razed and defaced when you have sacked and gotten what ye can of it , as there may remain forever a perpetual memory of the vengeance of God lightened upon ( them ) for their falsehood and disloyalty … and as many towns and villages about Edinburgh as ye may conveniently , sack Leith and burn and subvert it and all the rest , putting man , woman and child to fire and sword , without exception where any resistance shall be made against you ; and this done , pass over to the Fifeland and extend like extremities and destructions in all towns and villages whereunto you may reach conveniently , not forgetting among all the rest so to spoil and turn upside down the Cardinal 's town of St Andrews , as the upper stone may be the nether , and not one stick stand by another , sparing no creature alive within the same
10 ‘ Promotion to top slot within firm possible within a few years .
11 This is simply because the second , or front , bed makes knit and purl knitting possible within the same row .
12 After the speedy ‘ trial ’ and a statutory appeal , which was dismissed , as is usual within a few hours , one of the six was executed and the others started long prison sentences .
13 While Cameroun 's economic activity returned to normal within a few months , the experience of the three attempted coups , and particularly of the last , undermined the sense of renewal which Paul Biya 's elevation to the presidency had achieved .
14 The improvement in arthritis , gout , blood pressure , diabetes , or blood cholesterol level may be dramatic , and evident within a few weeks or months of a dietary programme .
15 The effect of these inhibitors was evident within a few minutes and lasted for at least one hour .
16 Oswald , whom Bede regarded as the fifth overlord of the peoples south of the Humber and described as ruling within the same bounds as Eadwine ( HE 11 , 5 ) , clearly became on this testimony as powerful a ruler as Eadwine had been , but on his accession he faced an immediate challenge in midland and eastern England from Penda .
17 In most cases the hereditary wardens and foresters of fee , or their heirs , were able within a few years to recover their bailiwicks by payment of substantial fines to the Crown .
18 Justification for Scott 's impressive display in the House of Commons became apparent within a few days of his drawings being hung .
19 They insisted that neither loyalists nor republicans would have left 200 lb of explosive within a few feet of men and women working contentedly in the bakery kitchen and suggested that it was more like the work of outside agents , acting under strict and impersonal orders .
20 ‘ For this reason , we consider that agreement is not required as to what is true and fair within the same timescale as the drafting of the regulations and , consequently , that the debate should be allowed to continue . ’
21 That is , they fluctuate about a mean with a wavelength small compared with the dimensions of the sample , and the effects of these fluctuations become insignificant within a few wavelengths of the surface .
22 Soon I , too , was very distressed , but I knew that it was going to be dead within a few hours , and I was helpless .
23 Perhaps inevitably , he eventually contracted typhus at Kherson , in the Crimea , in January 1790 and was dead within a few days .
24 A central figure in Dickstein 's essay is Henry James , a great critic , who could be subtly descriptive , elucidatory , analytical , and judgemental within the same piece of writing .
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