Example sentences of "[adj] as the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This seemed if anything as purposeful as the gathering of the clan on the previous night .
2 The idea was certainly sensible as the club gained valuable experience , finished bottom , and were relegated to Division One .
3 Judging from his recent contributions to the Carnegie International in Pittsburgh and to Robert Storr 's ‘ Dislocations ’ for MOMA in New York , Bruce Nauman is working in top gear and his new wax or metal sculptures and his video installations look as sharp and fresh as the art of any of his contemporaries .
4 These are all stereo originals and sound as fresh as the day they were made .
5 I 've played back-to-back rugby for four years now and I feel as fresh as the day that I started .
6 Their colours and patterns seemed as fresh as the day they were made and she was amazed at their richness compared with the wartime materials she was used to .
7 Some regard what they do simply as a form of legitimate adult play , while others take it far more seriously and see themselves as going beyond present human limitations , journeying into a new galaxy of knowledge in a way which they find at least as exciting as the exploration of deep space .
8 But if anyone could relax her , it was Miguelito , if in real life he was as tender , as passionate and as exciting as the music he made .
9 If the County Ground game is as exciting as the match at Hereford last night there 'll be a real treat …
10 If the County Ground game is as exciting as the match at Hereford last night there 'll be a real treat …
11 It was a scrappy contest but nevertheless exciting as the news of the England disaster filtered through .
12 He had played classical music on the stereo , which Boy had assured him he liked , and it was true ; Boy had never heard music like this before and he thought it was wonderful , a sound as big , and as warm , and as expensive as the car ; a sound as exciting as the sensation of being driven through the night by a stranger .
13 He paused for a moment , ‘ Not as exciting as the landing on the morning of 6th June ? ’
14 This approach is less accurate because the cattle returns are not as reliable as the census figures , but it is valuable because the presence of a large urban population can mask a high rate of cattle theft in the rural parts of a region .
15 Economic information is not normally capable of being tested in the same way , but is still fairly reliable as the economy is so closely associated with material evidence .
16 Eventually she convinces the caller that the timing is somewhat inconvenient as the square will be fully occupied by the parade ; a revised time is agreed and another crisis is averted .
17 Soon the cluster of buildings would be as deserted as the plague village they had left on the moor 's edge .
18 The porter 's speech disappears , for example ; and Malcolm is at least as ugly and graceless as the tyrant he replaces .
19 The Necromundans glanced curiously at that blind , fey figure of a man who was as alabastine as the idol of the primarch — his flesh almost translucent — yet who could speak with his mind from star to star , and could even report directly to the Emperor , should a sufficiently momentous situation arise .
20 Having gone out onto the lake as calm as the surface itself , he had caught , as it might be , some of the immovable unsettling darkness and chill which lay for ever imprisoned deep below , like his own too-recent self .
21 And the sea was , it was as calm as the mill pond .
22 ‘ Yes , ’ said Gabriel , though he felt as crushed as the thistle she had just stood on .
23 The air was as clear as the air only is after prolonged rain .
24 For Christ 's sake , M' lud , the matter 's as clear as the loincloth on the Crucifixion .
25 Great towering clouds were massing behind Big Allen but to the west the sky was as clear as the inside of a mother-of-pearl-lined shell , of a pale , tender , pink-stained azure .
26 The tow rope sprang taut , plucking the dinghy clear as the swell broke , thundering forward on to the waiting coral .
27 It had been smudged by the photocopier and was by no means as clear as the original .
28 Common philosophy : What is becoming clear as the partnership progresses is that BP and Unipart share a common philosophy — based on quality products , a focus on giving customers the best possible service , and a commercial drive to get more bang for fewer bucks .
29 Mammal footprints are rarely as clear as the textbook illustrations .
30 The images were still as clear as the rain that had fallen so dispiritedly on the mourners as they stood at one side of the grave while the rector had intoned the fateful words .
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