Example sentences of "[adj] from [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Orchestra talk is very different from newspaper talk , and , as so often , the husband 's occupation wins .
2 It is , in principle , no different from cartilage differentiation .
3 Range West , military spokesmen claim , ‘ is quite different from Range East in this respect .
4 That 's quite different from Amendment Number Twenty Seven .
5 This is one reason why hearing impairment in childhood is totally different from hearing loss in adult life .
6 Not so different from party politics , really .
7 But , says Stoessl : ‘ Opinion polling is totally different from marketing research .
8 That emphasises how different from pension fund management charity fund management still is .
9 He was then only twenty-one , a callow aristocrat fresh from law school .
10 It appears from Jean Piaget 's child psychology that perception has been inseparable from simulation right from the start , and that instead of learning to project my inwardness on to other persons I had to unlearn the habit of projecting it on to the rising sun or a bouncing ball .
11 Because these changes were worldwide , Europe 's history is inseparable from world history between 1880 and 1945 .
12 Autonomous nursing units may be able to offer their residents more adaptable care when they are free from the rigid timetables inseparable from hospital organisation .
13 The growing popularity of British purchases of French housing is clear from weekend newspaper adverts , specialist magazines and estate agents for this market and , in France , the emergence of ‘ agences immobilieres ’ to respond to this demand .
14 If , as was clear from press coverage of the recent retrospective at the Hayward , the art critical establishment is still sniffily disparaging of Magritte 's achievement , this can at least partly be attributed to the disturbing facility with which his images have been appropriated by advertisers and recycled as mere media commonplaces .
15 Demand is likely to be high from Flower Fairy collectors old and new , so please do not hesitate .
16 INVESTORS who buy direct from unit trust managers may be able to cut costs if proposals to bring the industry 's charging structure into line with those in America and Europe are adopted .
17 Where possible , data are collected direct from banking computer systems .
18 It is likely that someone taking up a post direct from library school will have far less practical or quasi-practical experience of book selection than of the two preceding activities , and this may mean that the manager needs to introduce his staff to the basic elements of book provision work in addition to the special features of a particular system .
19 These teams ( and the Central Nottinghamshire team ) were line managed direct from County Hall by the SPOs , who had a broad managerial remit for all social services field services for people with learning difficulties .
20 With a net return of 12 per cent easily attainable from building society and bank high interest accounts , it is still cheaper to borrow and keep your savings on deposit .
21 Distinguished from Eagle Owl , by its much shorter ear tufts , unfeathered tarsi and feet , and more uniform plumage .
22 The shift towards a greater acceptance of this point of view marks the emergence of social from laissez-faire liberalism , a shift assisted in no small measure by the early poverty surveys .
23 The video and booklet are available free from IR Tax Inquiry Centres .
24 Individual copies available free from Qa Business Services Ltd , Techno House , 226 High Street , Harborne , Birmingham B17 9PX .
25 Many researchers have tried to obtain a medium for growing antibodies that is free from calf serum .
26 Notwithstanding that threat , I am confident in backing our miners , because only they can offer the generators long-term contracts which guarantee falling prices , paid for in sterling and free from exchange rate fluctuations .
27 No direct reference was made by the committee to nuisances , other than noise nuisance , yet if employees want a working environment free from odour nuisance there are provisions in the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 to enable them , with the aid of their safety representatives or safety committee to achieve this .
28 Legacies made to a registered charity are free from inheritance tax .
29 To achieve these purposes , such organisations must be free from government interference or control .
30 It was on the basis of such national concerns that the Committee attempted to construct a version of English which while serving the state in strategic , institutional , and cultural terms , would also appear free from state control because apparently grounded in free individual identity .
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