Example sentences of "[adj] she had been " in BNC.

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1 How sensible she had been not to give way to any of his blandishments .
2 Mam would never guess how brave she had been all the way home .
3 Praying , as she sidled along to the changing-room , that no one would ever know how utterly wrong she had been
4 The sun was full on her face , and it was clear she had been crying .
5 It horrified her to think how foolish she had been and she could only excuse herself on the grounds that she had suffered some kind of fit .
6 Her earlier fears had faded and she thought how foolish she had been to let a ridiculous fancy disturb her happiness .
7 She recovered herself , grateful that he had either not noticed how jumpy she had been or was willing to pretend he had not .
8 She had already visited the de Chavigny showrooms there , and because she was feeling nervous she had been more than usually extravagant .
9 And during that terrible evening by the fireside , when she told him her story , how desperately sad she had been to realize he might not love her any more .
10 But in their mind 's eye , audiences were convinced she had been virtually naked throughout .
11 Afterwards Stella was convinced she had been rebuked .
12 How pathetically grateful she had been then .
13 Helen , who had been so calm during the night , was now cold and shaking with delayed shock , and Anne told her how glad she had been of her company .
14 How magnificent she had been !
15 Her response — such a lighting up of her face — made me remember how few times it was likely she had been kissed in her whole life : not as a child , by the parents who had given her away ; not by her old foster parents ; not often , I guessed , even by Beatrice and her boys .
16 Wilson quickly realised how lucky she had been to have the Misses Wynne directed to her by kind Miss Blagden .
17 Later , much later , Kelly was to reflect on how lucky she had been that day .
18 How lucky she had been to meet Violet , but was n't that the story of her life ?
19 She only realised how tense she had been when she replaced the receiver and found the palm of her hands covered in a fine film of perspiration .
20 She had not realised how tense she had been until she jumped .
21 The warm feeling induced by the spirit made her aware of how cold she had been since hearing the news .
22 Rupert had never met Everard 's mother , but remembering his own mother and how comforting she had been in his childhood illnesses he was immediately reassured .
23 She suddenly saw how selfish she had been , and knew at last the answer to the thing that had puzzled her for so long — why her mummy , who had been a keen Brownie Guider and loved Brownies , would n't let her join a Pack .
24 She forgot how selfish she had been when she was ill in India .
25 What a long time ago that seemed now , and how sure she had been that he would not be able to disrupt her feelings .
26 I was sure she had been holding a small phial with the letters ‘ SUL ’ written on it .
27 She once confessed how unhappy she had been at home .
28 Once his mother realized that he had these additional problems she was able to understand how frustrated he had been and also how irritable she had been when he did not respond to her .
29 How naive and stupid she had been !
30 How stupid she had been !
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