Example sentences of "[adj] at the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We gained in confidence as we pressed on , until suddenly we broke through on to the cliff-top at the other side of the island .
2 I want to ride as much as I can , but I want to try to be sensible at the same time .
3 All these kids and lights and noise , and it 's sort of scary and exciting at the same time .
4 The message comes out completely different at the other end . )
5 If , for some reason , the time of high tide is different at the two ends of a strait , there will obviously develop a strong gradient between the two , giving rise to a tidal current which in narrow straits can become very strong .
6 In the classified columns of the same newspapers advertisements for the return of runaway apprentices testify as much to harsh treatment as they do to the restlessness of youth , resentful at the constraining nature of apprenticeship .
7 He did n't do very much wrong at the other holes , either , but to carve up one of the trickiest par-5s in an Open , to those figures , and with those conditions , well it showed how his game was at Troon in 1962 .
8 His bid started to go wrong at the 12th hole and spluttered out at the 17th , the Road Hole , where many an aspiration had been snuffed out in the past .
9 And because of this we have a choice where to alter the theory when things go wrong at the observational level .
10 Though it may well be , he wrote , that one actually achieves more working with the wrong plans and in the wrong spirit , with the wrong tools and the wrong principles , on the wrong surface and with the wrong conception , it may well be , he wrote ( and Goldberg typed ) , that one achieves more than working with the right plans and in the right spirit , with the right tools and the right principles , on the right surface and with the right conception , though right and wrong and more and less are relative concepts and what seems right at one moment to one person may seem wrong at the same moment to another Person or at another moment to the same person , and what seems more to one person at one moment may seem less to another person at the same moment or at another moment to the same person , right , wrong , more , less , relative concepts , scribbled Goldberg , in the margin , panting slightly as he bent over his old Olivetti Portable , there is only the beginning , wrote Harsnet , or rather , there is only having begun , beginning , scribbled Goldberg , aware now of the black stains on his hands left by the felt-tip pen , having begun , there is only the feeling in the pit of the stomach or the feeling in the chest , wrote Harsnet , the feeling of sickness or the feeling of elation , those are not relative , he wrote , those are absolute .
11 Somebody was telling me the Rocky was on R5 the other week & said that when he was with Arsenal & they won the league at Liverpool in the last few minutes , Arsenal were 13 ( ? ) points clear at the new year but still had to come from behind to overtake Liverpool ! ! !
12 However , Ada had made it clear at the first round of talks that the commission had no power to negotiate changes , which had to be approved by referendum .
13 There were clearly changes occurring , and the borderlines between social classes , never very clear at the best of times , were probably less precise than they had been before the First World War — though class barriers were by no means collapsing in the real world of health , education and social opportunity .
14 Although it has been telling the world how successfully it has recovered , Unisys Corp made clear at the annual meeting last week just how parlous the company 's condition remains .
15 The question of keeping to convention versus innovating is particularly acute in this kind of example ; and on balance it may be a good idea to reformulate problematic sentences slightly so that they can follow punctuation conventions and be clear at the same time .
16 Apart from his Midlands Grand National triumph in 1990 he also gained a verdict over Norton 's Coin at Cheltenham — two months before that horse 's Gold Cup success — and would have been an easy winner of the Greenall Whitley Chase but for falling when clear at the last fence .
17 Everything was rosy at the Red House , which Dante Gabriel Rossetti , Morris 's close friend and mentor described as ‘ more a poem than a house … but an admirable place to live in too , .
18 The prime minister 's fourth-term vision failed to excite the party faithful at the Conservative Central Council meeting in Southport .
19 In contrast , the effect of expenditure appears to be progressive , with cash transfers being sizeable at the lower end .
20 I did my ‘ let's invade Poland ’ impersonation , which is n't very funny at the best of times .
21 Like the quatrain poems it is funny at the same time as serious .
22 The programme is very innovative and interesting but funny at the same time .
23 Jess took a step backwards , muttering under her breath : ‘ God protect me and forgive me sins I did n't meant no wrong … ’ without believing in much except bruises , hunger and Fate which had a nasty way of turning the tables against her , but willing at the same time to try anything once .
24 Then you can begin to introduce new ideas gradually , one by one , being willing at the same time to take ‘ no ’ for an answer if they are definitely opposed to change of any kind , since this is their right and must be respected .
25 The figures in the table are based on the assumption that you are acceptable at the ordinary rates of premium .
26 The figures in this table are based on the assumption that you are acceptable at the ordinary rates of premium .
27 Quite apart from the spate of redundancies that began in 1990 , turnover in saleroom experts is fairly high at the lower levels .
28 Thus the pressure , both inner and outer , on teachers to have a clear , articulate rationale for what they are doing is high at the same time as the exploration of the values from which such a rationale must derive is conspicuously out of style .
29 Both tend to be high at the northern edge of the pack ice , over continental and island shelves where turbulence brings fresh resources to the surface , and at boundaries between water masses .
30 Kimber first danced in public at the golden jubilee celebrations in 1887 , but the side was disbanded after this , only to be revived by the Oxford don Percy Manning in 1897 , and Kimber did not perform with them again until 1899 .
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