Example sentences of "[adj] that these [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Early studies suggested that relative mortality risks among female smokers were less than those of male smokers but it is now clear that these studies were comparing the death rates of a generation of male smokers with a generation of women amongst whom smoking was a much more recent phenomenon .
2 Out there , in the darkness , it is clear that these hounds have friends , sisters , cousins , uncles .
3 However it is clear that these students who did not meet the GER had passed through a rigorous process of selection , and a number of them already had two A-level at the time of entry .
4 Can you make it clear that these matters will be dealt with urgently and , in view of the credibility of all Select Committees , will you ensure that a firm conclusion is reached ?
5 It is clear that these women subscribers lived in the best parts of London .
6 Although it is clear that these changes were made in order to admit light to the new , deep-plan living accommodation , it is conceivable that the judicious use of ranges of standard reversible and ventilating roof windows might have provided an answer to this requirement which would have been less erosive of the original external appearance .
7 ( It is perhaps as well to make clear that these systems are not necessarily amenable to introspection . )
8 The Regulations make clear that these sections do not apply to any private companies , whether limited by shares or guarantee .
9 It is also clear that these concerns and impacts are likely to increase significantly over the twenty year period covered by the guidance note , and beyond .
10 It is also clear that these concerns and impacts are likely to increase significantly over the twenty year period covered by the guidance note , and beyond .
11 The result might have been different if there had been a notice attached to the goods making it clear that these goods had nothing to do with the defendant 's business as a dealer in second-hand goods but had come from his home and that the sale of the goods was to be a private transaction .
12 It will be clear that these judgments of normality are normative .
13 The consultations will focus on the economic and diplomatic issues surrounding the plant , although officials also made clear that these issues are " not relevant " to the government 's final decision , saying that the consultations were being held as a matter of " good governance " because of the great public interest in the plant 's future .
14 In fact , it is fairly clear that these workers play a vital role in safeguarding the health and well-being of large groups of needy people .
15 Shamir , faced with protests from the Israeli far right over this matter , responded by telling a radio interviewer on Sept. 27 that " the Americans can meet who they want , but it is clear that these people will not represent anyone in negotiations " .
16 In view of the formulae ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) it is clear that these results hold whether or not B , C are conformable both in the order BC and in the order CB , including the case where both are square .
17 It is thus not clear that these accident estimates are particularly stable assessments of the objective danger at the junction ; they are likely to be strongly determined by risk ratings .
18 But , since 1970 , it has become clear that these societies are subject to major changes which require systematic research and enquiry .
19 It is clear that these remedies are largely inadequate .
20 Whatever defence is mounted , it is clear that these films , for Levin , exist as auratic objects , and Debord their auraticised progenitor .
21 From an early stage in fieldwork I found it necessary to make a special index to notes which recorded what Zuwaya said about the past , for it was clear that these references and descriptions were recurrent themes .
22 However , it seems clear that these units must be established in some other way .
23 Ata'i , in his biography of Molla Shams al-Din ( d. 982/1575 ) , writes that " he traversed a few ranks in medreses ' before turning to medicine ; in this case it is clear that these medreses are well below the level .
24 It is clear that these eigenvalues belong also to the matrix
25 It is clear that these organizations have different points of unity depending on the concerns of their members .
26 I am unconvinced that these provisions , taken singly or cumulatively , show that there is a legislative intention to confine the status of an administrative receiver to a receiver appointed by debenture holders over property of a company formed and registered under the Companies Acts .
27 People say that Lee is either precious or lazy ( make up yer minds , f—wits ! ) , but it 's become manifest that these songs are worth all the tons of grief and introspection and the endless re-tuning .
28 Often he is afraid that these jobs will not be done , or not done as well as he would do them .
29 So I think , of course , it was right and proper that these things came to Cabinet .
30 What he states is that the dame general principles govern their development , although conditions were so different that these principles had considerably different effects in the different cases .
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