Example sentences of "[adj] to the [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 No other sort of mind is up to the demands of the system , which needs to seem to have judicial impartiality and a rocklike permanance while also being quickly responsive to the latest political fads .
2 Radar and sonar were still highly classified developments in military technology , and the notion that bats might do anything even remotely analogous to the latest triumphs of electronic engineering struck most people as not only implausible but emotionally repugnant .
3 It indicates the kind of approach to RE which wants to nurture pupils in values , attitudes and interests associated with religion , yet which can be acceptable to the widest number of people , including those who are not religious .
4 It demonstrates that the trace of the cusped orbit in the ( l , v ) plane resembles a parallelogram , similar to the densest gas in Fig. 4 b and c .
5 The slowest time constant , measured by SDS sequestration , is similar to the slowest dissociation rate seen with DNase I footprinting .
6 Revisions to the individual components of the shortage are not made , but generally it is the estimate for exchequer transactions which is subject to the greatest uncertainty .
7 I had not felt that trade unionism had yet reached the accountancy profession , but it appears that Mr Marshall 's requests are akin to the worst excesses of the trade union movement .
8 It 's a very versatile shape for everyone from the slender to the grandest size .
9 The company states openly that the aim is to earn greater returns on its silicon design investments by making the designs available early to the broadest possible customer base .
10 It is unbelievably churlish if , for ideological reasons , the hon. Gentleman remains hostile to the best innovation in Bradford for years , while defending a local authority that had the worst results in the country in the recent tests for seven-year-olds .
11 Direct speech has that personal quality Jean-Jacques Rousseau later recognized as being intrinsic to the best cantatas .
12 Ensure the highest SPR identifier is numerically higher than or equal to the lowest SPR identifier .
13 Ensure the highest SSR identifier is numerically higher than or equal to the lowest SSR identifier .
14 A word for word copy of the proof of 1.4.4 shows this gcd is equal to the smallest positive integer in the set
15 This is significantly more than should occur by chance if the true risk were equal to the largest previously observed proportion ( p=0.04 ) .
16 This exclusive collection is equal to the finest jewellery to be found in Bond Street — but at a fraction of the price .
17 For example : In the event that any person or persons who was or were not a member or members of the Company on the date of the adoption of these Articles ( " the Acquiring Member " ) either alone or in concert ( as such expression is defined in the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers ) with any other person(s) , shall become beneficially entitled to more than [ 50 ] % of the issued Ordinary Share Capital of the Company after the date of adoption of these Articles he shall forthwith be required to serve notice on each of the holders of the Ordinary Share Capital of the Company that he is so beneficially entitled and shall thereupon be bound to offer to purchase the remaining shares in the Ordinary Share Capital of the Company at a price per share ( " the Acquisition Price " ) equal to the highest price per share paid by the Acquiring Member for such shares in the Company acquired by him .
18 Women ! — Help the institution helping women — The New York Infirmary — 1,145 babies last year — These women doctors have shown their skill and knowledge are in every way equal to the best in the medical profession !
19 Companies are being attracted to the province by the availability of well-qualified graduates whose temperament , knowledge and practical skills are equal to the best .
20 The algorithm works by progressively updating a label D[u] assigned to each vertex u until D[u] becomes equal to the shortest path length from s to u .
21 Atta cephalotes builds nests up to 150 m 2 in surface area , containing up to 5 million workers , ranging from minima 2 mm long to the largest soldier 20mm long with medians about 10mm long , which do most of the leaf cutting .
22 The criteria for allocation had been devised in an attempt to find a balance between having too many languages to do justice to any of them in limited broadcasting hours and discovering which languages were comprehensible to the largest number .
23 Precocious growth of the vine in late winter or early spring could well render the vital flowering vulnerable to the severest of spring frosts .
24 Above all , does not the cross show that this is how God always acts in and towards the world , eternally vulnerable to the worst of pain and suffering which it manifests ?
25 The end product is an environment that is vulnerable to the slightest whim of the weather , and a dried out topsoil that disappears in the wind , leaving sand and bare rock .
26 The colours of the Jersey are far more varied than those of most European breeds and the full range spreads from almost black to the palest greys and biscuits , with all kinds of fawns , browns , chestnuts , golds and smokes in between , sometimes broken with white , sometimes broadly whole-coloured but never solid : there is shading over the body so that the tones are generally darker on face , neck and shoulders ( especially in bulls ) , much darker on the front of the forelegs and much paler on the underparts in the typical manner of wild creatures such as deer .
27 That is why we are opposed to the poorest person in Westminster paying only £3 a week less in council tax than the richest , including some Tory Members .
28 She was married to the eldest son in the household where I lived , high in the Himalayan mountains of Nepal .
29 Anna smiled pleasantly and said something unrepeatable to the nearest driver .
30 It claimed that a large amount of money would be the immediate reward if you were delivered unharmed to the nearest British post .
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