Example sentences of "[adj] in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 After that there was no way back for City and Rangers now travel to Marine in the second round on December 5 .
2 In a programme ranging in character from Willie was a Wanton Wag to the Englishman William Boyce 's rather inadequate attempts to sound Scottish in A Scots Cantata , Anderson 's understandable shortcomings could surely have been further compensated for by violinist Richard Gwilt , but inconsistent articulation coupled with a lack of incisiveness negated much of the music 's subtlety .
3 A university , as Western civilisation has known a university , is an institution which is peculiar in a precise and definable way .
4 In our judgment the answer has to be ‘ No ’ and it would be peculiar in the extreme if Dr. Hayes could in effect be ordered to give evidence of their contents merely because he was no longer in Crown employment .
5 There seems little doubt that such variation is the rule rather than the exception : the meaning of any word form is in some sense different in every distinct context in which it occurs .
6 The situation is very different in a homogeneous , isotropic , curved space with K negative .
7 The thought that the world might have been different in a certain respect is taken to be the thought that there is a possible world which does differ from the actual world in that respect ( and probably others too ) .
8 It is true that in the case of Buckinghamshire County Council v Moran Slade LJ attached considerable significance to the fact that the land there in question had been fenced off and the gate locked , but the position it seems to me is quite different in a metropolitan context such as one finds in Brighton .
9 However , what may look like a good deal now , as the UK emerges from its adjustment period of higher interest rates and recession , could look rather different in a few years ' time .
10 Therefore , total and systematic risk should not be too different in a well-diversified portfolio .
11 The situation is altogether different in a continuous-process industry .
12 Your method of narration is likely to be different in a short story .
13 It was no different in the occupied West Bank where the protesters soon came up against army reinforcements .
14 The Church 's inner spirit , organization and theology need be little different in the 1990s from how they were under Pius XII in the 1950s .
15 It is possible that the route of metabolism of substrates , rather than the rate of their metabolism , is different in the diseased state .
16 Indeed the endemic disorder of medieval society , which was little different in the late Middle Ages from what it had been earlier , may have caused as much economic disruption in a locality such as the East Anglia of the Pastons .
17 Solowka feels the attitude of the group was different in the early days and the commitment was not as strong .
18 After listening to each pair of words decide whether the sound in question is the same or different in the second word as in the first word , and put a tick in the appropriate column , first having ticked off word no. 1 .
19 Such a literature doubtless resembled Soviet socialist realism in its general principles , but was nevertheless different in the final analysis because framed within a specifically French cultural context .
20 She looked so different in the blue dress ; still fat , but more like a schoolgirl might do , and she seemed as light on her feet as a dancer .
21 It may be felt that replacing two straight cores with a ring structure is too drastic a change to gloss over , but the mechanism is not too different in the two cases .
22 Pollock and Majeed argue that this behaviour is somehow different in the two countries as the motive is profit in the United States but survival in the internal market here .
23 Hutton and Lawrence ( 1981 ) , in their comparisons of the training , careers and status of German and British engineers , argue that the relationship with pure science is different in the two countries ( but see Chapter 2 , note 1 ) .
24 For inhale and inconspicuous , the semantic constituency of in — is easily established , although the semantic identity of in — is different in the two cases :
25 The trends over time were significantly different in the two sexes ( χ 2 =275 , df=9 ; p = <0.0001 ) and significantly non-linear ( χ 2 =514 , df=16 ; p = <0.0001 ) .
26 Moreover I can address myself retrospectively to the perceptual experience as such as well as to the photograph qua photograph , and the logic of my reports will obviously be very different in the two cases .
27 The role of inheritance and consequently of policies designed to influence inheritance — is quite different in the two models .
28 We pointed out earlier that such a proposal can not be accepted for the prenominal case because the prenominal and the clause structures are far from equivalent ; they admit different ranges of adjective , and the relation of the adjective to the head noun is different in the two cases .
29 Oral caecal transit times were not significantly different in the two patient groups , whereas colonic transit was slower in the patients with cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy compared with the group without cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy ( p<0.02 ) .
30 Another possibility is that the genetic regulation of the isotype response is different in the two populations of inflammatory bowel disease patients .
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