Example sentences of "[adj] in the long " in BNC.

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1 Would it be more sensible in the long run to buy a second-hand television rather than to keep renting one ?
2 He said that he had enjoyed working on his own behalf , but felt that staying out of the profession would not be sensible in the long run .
3 Undoubtedly it would appear to be more sensible in the longer term for cattle numbers to be limited to those which can be sustained on the winter fodder production capabilities of the farms so as to eliminate fodder purchases .
4 Regulation which might be more costly in the short term than the actual abuses it seeks to regulate , may be justifiable in the long run .
5 Do n't try to remove anything before it is ready as it will only go wrong in the long run , making all your work so far a complete waste of effort .
6 Environmental management methods usually require a large workforce , are costly and are generally feasible only in townships and major commercial undertakings vital to the country 's economy , where they may prove more economical in the long run than the recurrent use of insecticides .
7 If there is an existing pipe organ and it is of good quality , it may prove to be more economical in the long run to restore rather than replace it .
8 This may make any savings you anticipate by remortgaging immaterial in the long run .
9 We 've got to recognise , if there was no following policy , any thief or drunk driver only has to put their toe down and drive away at speed , comfortable that police wo n't follow them and that is far more dangerous in the long run for the public .
10 Part of the point of selling state businesses is to raise hard cash , and taking on more debt to fund worker buyouts in return for low or non-earning equity stakes ( which may prove to be worthless in the long run ) is not a real option for the government .
11 Monetarists argue that aggregate supply is inelastic in the long run ( see Figure 18.1 ( a ) ) , and therefore output ( Q ) is determined independently of aggregate demand .
12 It may be an indication of other problems in the urinary tract some of which could potentially be serious in the long term .
13 Staying would also be impossible in the long run but that young man would let me stay for a little while — until the restaurant closed , anyway .
14 Like her father Elizabeth could only pay for war by resorting to forced loans , benevolences , and various other devices that proved unpopular in the long run , although , to her credit , she never debased the coinage .
15 Does the pattern seem satisfactory in the longer term ?
16 Avoiding everybody in the staffroom is likely in the long term to be a bad strategy because its result is isolation .
17 For example , as we noted , the definition of pragmatics as concerned with encoded aspects of context may be less restrictive than it seems at first sight ; for if in general ( a ) principles of language usage have as corollaries principles of interpretation , and ( b ) principles of language usage are likely in the long run to impinge on grammar ( and some empirical support can be found for both propositions ) , then theories about pragmatic aspects of meaning will be closely related to theories about the grammaticalization of aspects of context .
18 Some people say there is more sniffing in the summer , but perhaps it 's just more obvious in the long summer evenings .
19 As the modem generation of " deaf and dumb " people undoubtedly rejects this expression the change of title was inevitable in the long run .
20 But their investment potential is generally rather poor and only the most exceptional items are likely to become collectable in the longer term .
21 They thought it was best to know what you were up against , but Preston was n't sure it had done them a lot of good in the long run .
22 Consultation takes time : policy-writing by a few is more speedy , but also less effective in the long term for reasons which are suggested later .
23 Change which is imposed by some form of ‘ authority ’ or ‘ expert ’ is rarely effective in the long run .
24 The book is also an attempt to link together and blend theory , policy and practice in the belief that well-informed policy and practice are likely not only to be more sensitive to the realities of clients ' lives and needs , but also more cost effective in the long term .
25 Indeed , public education about the nature of legal problems and the role of lawyers in solving them might be much more effective in the long run .
26 This , it was now increasingly argued , would be far more effective in the long run than any amount of sharp practice .
27 While the report describes the first two options as the most far-reaching and effective in the long term , it acknowledges that they would cause severe economic strains ( because of the dependence of the local economies on irrigated crops ) and that the required infrastructural improvements would be very expensive .
28 Training based on encouragement and praise is likely to prove far more effective in the longer term .
29 In the event , however , the project occurred in neither of these areas : not in Barnet because the psychogeriatric service was still in the process of development ; nor in Southwark because , although there was an enormous amount of goodwill and enthusiasm for the project , the social services unions ( particularly the joint Home Helps Shop Stewards Committee ) decided that they could not endorse cooperation with the project , the main reason being that they felt — mistakenly in our view — that a project which employed its own carers might be a threat to the employment of local authority home helps , and that ‘ to endorse such a service is not helping the elderly in the long term , it is only carrying out this Government 's stratagem in closing Homes and hospitals ’ .
30 No additional DNase I hypersensitive sites other than DH sites I-V ( Figure 1b ) were found in the upstream or downstream regions present in the Long construct ( data not shown ) .
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