Example sentences of "[adj] and [vb past] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Carter was thrown clear and escaped serious injury .
2 Because the world is divided into sovereign states , most with relatively clear and unified national cultures , it is convenient to identify these states as the basic elements of the global system .
3 Oleg Sergueev ran clear and seemed certain to score .
4 • Glazing materials include clear and tinted polycarbonate and toughened , wired , laminated and tinted glass .
5 Changes in intraluminal gall bladder pressure were dose-dependent and occurred 10 to 20 seconds after CCK-8 was given .
6 Even though the gap between clerical and lay religious intellectuals has closed , with clergy being left behind in some areas , the clerics remain the true cognoscenti in religious matters , and are expected to be so by the laity .
7 The homework was interesting and demanded more investigation and some discussion with parents : she - the teacher — provided some useful clues for those who could not find names in an encyclopaedia .
8 By the winter our squads were carrying out very interesting and involved military manoeuvres throughout the area covered by our group of villages .
9 A nocturnal sleeping unit of unprocessed cereal material , an exterior segment of medium calorie farinaceous comestible and attrited fragmentary clothing units .
10 Tony Wright was in the wrong and landed this into the safe hands of Barnett .
11 Nevertheless , from the viewpoint of the necessary external analysis , Porter is clearly correct in seeing a rigorous and informed economic analysis of the market place as the most vital element .
12 The tower was about 10 metres high and had solid masonry of brick and stone about 2 metres thick .
13 It stood twenty-five spans high and took four horses to pull it .
14 The wail started high and went higher , until they were shrieking off the register .
15 So Angus got up on to the rock and held his fist high and told young McCulloch to stand the hostages on a knoll where everyone could see them and called out the oath above the drone of the pipe : ‘ We do swear — never to swerve — from our present path — till we have cleansed the country — of this oppressive Act .
16 The standard was high and excluded foul language .
17 After an alleged assault on her birthday in September 1989 she could not face returning to the Royal High and missed eight months of education before starting at a private school .
18 Gran was lovely — I know she was old and had awful clothes , but everyone loved her and she had a lovely face , like a statue . ’
19 The presentation had been quite an unnecessary proceeding , as she and Uncle Orrin Tunstall had agreed , seeing that she had met and known both the King and Queen since she was ten years old and had first visited England with her mama and papa .
20 He was thirty-six years old and had heavy family commitments ; it was late in life to change course , but he had hankered after the theatre for years and now decided to follow his instincts .
21 She needed to console him and assure him he was far from old and found remarkable pleasure in restoring his self-esteem .
22 Sarah told Anne that her parents were annoyed with Mick , who was now sixteen years old and appeared older .
23 Teaching is formal but the children seemed interested and responsive and managed some surprisingly good writing despite immense disabilities .
24 Rescuing beleaguered maidens had a certain passing reward , but most of the time he 'd finished up by setting them up in some city somewhere with a handsome dowry , because after a while even the most agreeable ex-maiden became possessive and had scant sympathy for his efforts to rescue her sister sufferers .
25 Rack renting combined with taxes and tithes — according to the abolitionists of the thirties these alone consumed a quarter of the peasants ' net income — drove out the enterprising and condemned those who remained to one of the most hopeless forms of subsistence farming .
26 As we dip a toe into this rather choppy sea we appreciate even more that our work is a well-tried and tested educational system operating mainly under the safe anchorage of Adult Education .
27 Throughout the colonial period they made little use of the judicial system set up by the British and made few requests of their administrators .
28 He was paid an annual sum by the British and tried any cases where there was a problem between them and the Portuguese .
29 As soon as she stopped struggling and stood motionless he let her go and bent to pick up the shoes she 'd dropped .
30 To suggest that there is an interested and informed big brother , on whom one side could lean , to give it some advantage over the other , is only to prolong the agony .
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