Example sentences of "[adj] and [vb base] from " in BNC.

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1 Whitaker 's partner slipped while turning tight into the penultimate fence , but the horse managed to jump clear and win from Emma-Jane Mac on Everest Oyster .
2 The cells in the embryo are initially much less specialized and differ from each other in more subtle ways .
3 They are , with few exceptions , very kind and generous and come from far and near , even from overseas .
4 Afternoon , Henry remembered , used to be as prolonged and arid as Arizona , and they were followed by things called evenings , which were entirely different and separate from nights .
5 Special forms of segregated sheltered housing , and ultimately the old person 's residential home , ensure that older people are taught to feel that their lives are somehow different and separate from other age-groups .
6 They evoked for him images of hard , unrefined men , distinct and separate from other workers , hewing in the mysterious dungeons ; they are dirty , strange and attractive because they are masculine and sensuous .
7 The hours of the examination are not something distinct and separate from the rest of your preparation , but are more like the final short sprint to the tape .
8 Take out the joint and remove from the tin while you layer the potatoes and onions in the juices .
9 Again the motivation is more likely to arise if the choices are real and begin from propositions or activities acceptable to the student .
10 As you approach your selected wave concentrate on getting up as much speed as possible and unhook from your harness .
11 Some Allerce trees are up to four thousand years old and a hundred and fifty foot tall and come from a very threatened environment
12 All the pretty bedrooms are air-conditioned and benefit from double glazing .
13 harmonious environments , where conflicts are exceptional and arise from :
14 Know your brief and examine from your head . ’
15 Contrast the same scene on the neck of a contemporary Attic jar ( fig. 9 ) , where the figures are conventionally coloured black or white and reach from bottom to top of the picture .
16 The Medical Research Council were helpful up to a point , but even Mellanby rapidly found Florey 's demands tiresome and support from that quarter dwindled .
17 They are sensitive to rain , heat , cold and splash from roads .
18 According to the National Consumer council , funding for money advice centres is inadequate and support from the credit industry is insufficient .
19 The rare-earth-element contents of groundwaters derived from granites and metasediments in the Carnmenellis area of Cornwall are highly distinctive and stem from different water-rock reactions .
20 Servants too ought to be diligent and refrain from gaming and other dissolute pursuits , although at the same time they were fully entitled to ‘ competent wages and clothing with trew payments of the same ’ .
21 My wish for you is that in your travels you will discover in yourself a truer meaning of life , and will one day return to us enriched and mature from your experiences .
22 Aloof and separate from her ugly dress , Nicandra 's beauty had an air-blown helpless quality divided from her proper self — the self that carried whisky to cloakroom maids and , in the act , lost her man .
23 Although the written text may be very general and refrain from referring either to men or women , the illustrations make a definite point for the majority contain male figures .
24 I was talking to a friend of mine actually on Monday who is erm parti partially Indian and come from India and from Calcutta and she is high caste but she 's a Catholic as well so she 's her attitude 's different she 's lived in England most of her life but she ca n't get over the attitude of some of her relatives in India to the poor because they 're lower caste .
25 The ingredients which make up the special stew are a closely kept secret and vary from chef to chef .
26 Thus these major schemes are essentially enumerative and suffer from the limitations of enumerative classification outlined in the last chapter .
27 The Royal Navy Sea Kings will be unarmed and operate from the Royal Fleet Auxiliary ship Argus until a secure shore base is found .
28 When both partners in a marriage consistently blame the other and suffer from the accompanying underlying despair , the marriage is likely to be in difficulties from the beginning .
29 However , any alterations which are external , or any which are internal and arise from an alteration of use , do require planning permission .
30 So , one reason for getting less plural continuations with ( 10 ) might be that the proper name serves as a strong cue for treating the named character as special and separate from other individuals .
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