Example sentences of "[adj] and [prep] good " in BNC.

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1 The water stays clear and in good condition because it 's sealed in
2 He would not approve materials or equipment for schools unless they were simple , functional , economical and of good quality in material and workmanship .
3 Anyone can start giving blood as long as they are between 18 and 60 years old and in good health .
4 The king and his brother are seen from time to time , if infrequently — and appear lively and in good health .
5 Colourful and with good artwork , this would make an appropriate Christmas present for anyone who has laughed with the RAF at some time .
6 ‘ No one knows that I am that — rich and of good family , I mean . ’
7 Can there be anything more telling about the deviousness of these people than his account of how they actually put on television and interviewed a man who was said to have died while in a prison cell , and that , moreover , they did it with the sole motive of demonstrating that he was alive and in good health .
8 The larger container the better , because fish will remain alive and in good health in the larger volumes of water .
9 They concluded with prayers for the repose of the soul of the dead man , who had been alive and in good health less than half an hour before .
10 The remains are extensive and in good condition showing frescoes , mosaics and marbles .
11 According to press reports he appeared fit and in good spirits .
12 The Result : Hair looks very natural and in good condition .
13 Sue 's hair is quite fine and in good condition but her eight month old perm was looking a bit tired .
14 Inside , the hall church is very fine and in good condition .
15 She was well and in good form , but unfortunately I never see her now without Herman Schrijver John Pope-Hennessy was the fourth ) , and he is so frivolous and gossippy [ sic ] — which one would love in other circumstances — that Ivy never says anything interesting , and there are always the same conversations .
16 Smugly , Bryan came back early from this holiday and coolly assured Prince Andrew that his wife was well and in good hands .
17 After each such movement , the small old woman , not stiff , but poised , erect and in good rhythm with her horse , responded with minute disposition of hand , leg or body weight which the informed eye could see reflected in the horse 's performance .
18 This should allow you to spot any incipient faults before they turn into a Christmas day blackout , and will also ensure that everything is safe and in good condition .
19 The Commissioners awarded a further penalty of £1,080 , finding that the taxpayer was prevaricating and that as a professional man he had failed to give proper priority to disclosing building society information in full and in good time .
20 Ordnance Survey maps are essential : they are accurate and of good quality .
21 SCOTTISH businessmen are worried and with good reason .
22 His jeans and checked shirt , though old and well worn , looked clean and of good quality .
23 was not clean and in good working order
24 ‘ was not clean and in good working order ’ This point means among other things that the lamps in question must be kept clean as mud or snow could hide the light .
25 ‘ was not clean and in good working order ’ The defect must be described in detail to prove this point , e.g. ‘ Both bulbs were blown in the front obligatory lights and two white lights were not being shown to the front ’ or ‘ The rear nearside reflector was broken and part of it was missing , leaving only about a square centimetre of reflective material ’ etc .
26 Make sure that the tools and equipment are clean and in good working order .
27 The relatives of both Leofsige , abbot of Ely from 1029 to 1044 , and of Ælfwine , bishop of Elmham in Cnut 's reign , granted estates in Norfolk , Suffolk and Cambridgeshire to Ely when their sons entered the monastery , and the Liber Eliensis says that it was Leofsige 's own policy to accept no monk who was not well-educated and of good birth , so that the church might be enriched by liberality .
28 BURNS guitar , Nu Sonic , 1963 , red and in good condition , £250 .
29 But he had been young and in good condition .
30 Check that the wiring is new and in good condition , and immediately on occupation ask the Electricity Board to safety-check the whole installation — appliances and wiring .
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