Example sentences of "[adj] and [prep] many " in BNC.

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1 To Europeans , this music is unfamiliar and in many cases the technical level of orchestration and harmony is deficient by world standards , but in place of technique , the Indians have something else that should interest us .
2 In general the activities of the masses were though of as mindless but they were at least non-political and in many cases they even encouraged the acceptance of social norms and new routines necessary to urban and industrial life .
3 The location of the earliest episcopal churches — in the inhabited suburbs , within the walls , near the edge of the walled town , or near the centre ? — is often doubtful and in many cases has been much debated .
4 Old age begins officially on retirement but the majority of people in their sixties and many in their seventies remain reasonably fit , independent , active and content and in many cases they will remain so until the end of their lives .
5 The visible glamour and affluence of the likes of Maurice Hope , Justin Fashanu and Daley Thompson are seductive and in many cases , irresistible .
6 It was also at this stage of increasing daily use and possibly injecting that family relationships generally became strained and in many cases reached breaking point .
7 A special issue on the centenary of the death of Darwin contained articles saying he was right , he was half right and in many respects wrong .
8 We 're carrying on with that as normal and with many other jobs as well ; we 've cut down some of our local training sorties to release aircraft for the main lift , but we 're coping pretty well .
9 These are slower-growing species than the annuals and will not be productive until the swidden stage is complete and in many cases not until the subsequent fallow is well established ; the different ages at which the perennials mature also facilitates a phased harvest so that the fallow stage is not unproductive .
10 ‘ Counterfeiting techniques have become highly sophisticated and in many cases the packaging has been copied to the finest degree so that the ordinary consumer would have absolutely no idea , from the outside , that they were n't buying the genuine article , ’ explains Mike Wadsley .
11 Long hours of toil were nothing new , but the mills brought a discipline that at best was irksome and in many places was harsh .
12 Their expertise is incredible and on many occasions they defeated Spanish invaders who were armed with swords and lances .
13 The widespread and in many cases willing and eager involvement of cultural producers in what are really quite normal market relationships has always cut across it .
14 All in all , then , claims about women 's conservatism are stereotypical , sexist and in many cases just plain wrong .
15 They are required to identify the best way of helping the frail and vulnerable and in many cases that will be by using the voluntary or the independent sector .
16 It simply recognizes the importance of retaining the experience of G M B activists in a situation like now where thousands upon thousands are being made redundant and in many cases victimized for trade union activity .
17 Forestry practices in the developing world are diverse and complex and in many cases the absence of overall institutional control of forests coupled with other pressures , such as expanding agriculture , has resulted in indiscriminate exploitation .
18 They set sail from the Guadalquivir River under the proud corporate title of the Armada de Molucca , amply armed but hopelessly provisioned , with crews composed of men of nine different nationalities and of innumerable and in many cases mutually antagonistic temperaments .
19 They are cast in different , complementary and in many respects equally important roles , the role of replicator and the role of vehicle .
20 The only quantifiable difference between what happened in this country and in Germany during that period is that the Germans produced many more traffic-calming schemes , which I acknowledge are complicated and in many cases quite expensive .
21 In areas with high population densities ( c. 100 people km-2 ) , intensive dryland agriculture is becoming increasingly important and in many cases there is no fallow period although intercropping is common .
22 Although imperial lines , like the Canadian Pacific and the Grand Trunk Pacific in Canada or the Uganda and Cape to Cairo railways in Africa , stole the British headlines since they enhanced so many colonial myths , British investment and railway-building were more considerable and in many respects more potent in the Anglo-American ‘ informal Empire ’ of Latin America .
23 Squigs are unpredictable and in many way the best thing that can happen is for them to go wild once they are near the enemy .
24 However , they have been widely used by Tough and by many of the teachers she has worked with and thus , from a practical point of view , they seem to have been well tried and tested by practitioners .
25 When newly formed it is flexible and elastic and in many larvae it remains so over much of the body .
26 Indeed the 100% mortgage , commonplace in the boom , is now virtually extinct , with 95% frequently the maximum available and in many cases substantially less .
27 One further point : the actuarial profession is firmly egalitarian and for many years there have been equal opportunities for women .
28 Laid for white tourists , this road hugs the flat land by the lakeside , going nowhere in particular , while the road south through the communal area which I soon turn onto is much busier , yet is untarred and in many places steep and treacherous .
29 David used to get drunk and on many occasions I had to pick him up and carry him home from London , absolutely pissed out of his brain .
30 While the global system is most commonly classified in terms of First , Second and Third Worlds , and these are very convenient and for many purposes useful labels , it is certain that they conceal as much as they reveal .
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