Example sentences of "[adj] even for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Too quick even for a channel click really !
2 Lurid semi-fictional accounts by James Greenwood , George Sim and Jack London alluded darkly to acts of debauchery not fit even for the pages of The Lancet .
3 In all their subsequent movements during the campaign , the Germans were immeasurably helped by the Russian staff practice — inexplicably naive even for the militarily inept — of sending radio messages and orders ‘ in clear ’ rather than in cypher .
4 When , under the hail of bombs in the last phase of the war , some Nazi cranks and fanatics sent letters to the Propaganda Ministry , extraordinary even for the Third Reich in the depths of inhumanity they plumbed , suggesting the shooting or burning of Jews in retaliation for allied air raids , it was occasionally specifically requested that the ‘ suggestions ’ be sent on to Hitler .
5 Its ratio of costs to income was a miserly 40% last year , good even for a thrift ; most banks would be proud of a figure below 60% .
6 As the ball hangs there , moon-white against the wall of cloud , everything in the world seems briefly up for grabs and I am seized by two contradictory feelings : there is so much beauty in the world it is incredible that we are ever miserable ; there is so much shit in the world that it is amazing we are happy even for a moment .
7 Hoggatt 's was old-fashioned even for the 1930 service .
8 This conspiracy between State and museums was humiliating even for the museums , because in case of need , the State could sell what it liked from their collections .
9 That hole 's getting too small even for a size ten like Belle . ’
10 Because New York in the summer was too hot even for the natives , shows would close for a couple of months when the Girls would be sent home for a holiday on half pay , which was better than the average salary in Britain .
11 Though selecting for the polyadenylated mRNA on oligo(dT) affinity columns is possible , it is notoriously difficult even for the nimble fingered .
12 Queensland has a warm tropical climate and going barefoot was quite common even for the boys but some form of footwear was needed on occasion .
13 Although , cholecystectomy is the most effective longterm treatment for gall bladder stones , not all patients are suitable even for the modern techniques of undertaking cholecystectomy , through mini-incisions or laparoscopically , and will continue to require non-operative management of their gall stones .
14 ‘ It 's the kind of fur Sister Dew thought Miss Broome 's coat might be — but apparently it would be too expensive even for a canon 's daughter . ’
15 This is when adequate sunlight is necessary even for the night bloomers .
16 The devastation in the city 's Lake Zone , about 400 kilometres from the epicentre , was surprising even for a quake of 8.1 magnitude .
17 But the unpublished manuscript , given to Tom Poole , was destroyed in 1931 by Gordon Wordsworth , who evidently regarded the subject of adultery and murder as too sordid even for the twentieth century.4 The effect on Coleridge of what Tom Poole had told them both was perhaps of most significance .
18 It can not be pretended that either scholar 's career is entirely typical of its period-Hocazade 's career is unusually chaotic even for the later fifteenth century , Civizade 's in many respects unusually " regular " even for the later sixteenth century-but the degree to which they are atypic is not sufficient to give a misleading impression .
19 It was held that the effect of the clause was to throw onto the employer the risk of damage caused by fire , so that the contractor was not liable even for a fire caused by the negligence of its employees ( and despite the presence of a clause under which the contractor undertook to indemnify the employer against losses in respect of damage to property caused by the negligence of the contractor 's employees , which was held to be qualified by the clause dealing with fire insurance ) .
20 This , combined with the richness of the data , makes the material eminently readable even for the non-researcher .
21 Compared to the situation just after the introduction of internment in the early 1970s , community relations are said to have improved considerably , which is true even for the period since neighbourhood foot patrols were first introduced following the hunger strikes of 1981 .
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