Example sentences of "[adj] area at the " in BNC.

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1 The decision of Cyngor Dosbarth Dwyfor to refuse planning permission for the retention of caravans and caravan pitches outside the permitted area at the centre will be challenged by Butlins .
2 A series of peripheral boulevards was begun , though not finished before 1870 , which were designed to provide easy access to the central area at the desired point of entry .
3 They say it 's vital they speak to anyone who was in the shop or the surrounding area at the time .
4 The part of the skeg nearest the board suffers most from turbulence and spin out , so this part is correspondingly cut away , relying on the large area at the bottom to provide the grip .
5 ‘ Cider is a good area at the moment , ’ says co-author Philip Shaw , ‘ and is likely to remain so for some time .
6 The shop had a little bar-type area at the back where people could sit .
7 Our favourite place as a family was on the Church Hill , a pleasant area at the edge of The Heath .
8 Two indistinct figures had broken away from the struggling mass and were desperately flailing towards Christine and the safe area at the other end of the executive transporter .
9 Avoidance is a grey area at the boundaries of legality and illegality , and though it is an approach employed in many areas of law , it is nowhere more clearly institutionalised than in tax law .
10 Which is quite a fast developing and growing area at the moment .
11 The room was in a state of some disorder , but as yet , the little cool area at the back of Alice 's mind told her , no permanent damage had been done .
12 In the protected area at the bottom of the hill the wind was gentle , but further up the slope it picked up considerably to 16–17 miles an hour .
13 A more serious complication of diabetes is damage to the retina , the light-sensitive area at the back of the eye .
14 The best-known part of the Minoan city is the so-called ‘ Royal Road ’ which runs from the Theatral Area at the north-west corner of the temple towards the Bull 's Head Sanctuary ( or ‘ Little Palace ’ ) 200 metres away to the west-north-west ( Plate 12 ) .
15 Shortly before this stage — around the tenth year but with a wide variability — the hypothalamus , a small area at the base of the brain , somehow " triggers " a small gland just below it ( the pituitary gland ) into producing two hormones which it has not previously produced .
16 Headroom in the starboard after cabin is 6ft 2in ( 1.8m ) in the changing area at the head of the berth .
17 Two evenings back Pete had found his front door open to the darkness , and the porch light on ; rain had been falling outside in a continuous silver curtain and in the sheltered area at the top of the steps , Alina 's shoes had lain discarded .
18 The fishery operates in a remote area at the tip of South America , where the southern king crab frequents the cold waters of Tierra del Fuego .
19 He took the letter and the envelope out of his office and down to the abandoned area at the end of the corridor .
20 If employees are provided with detailed information packs on the proposed new area at the time of the announcement this can go a long way to answering some of their questions and thus reducing anxiety .
21 Plant out the rear and middle ground of the tank as well as the sides , and leave a nice area at the front for swimming .
22 On 17 September 1991 , the Secretary General , Mark Tomkins represented the Association and its South African Area at the unveiling of a print of one of Gp Capt ‘ Sailor ’ Malan 's air battles during the Battle of Britain .
23 ‘ That places the very busy Finaghy area at the heart of a wide catchment sector . ’
24 Out of the small sitting area at the end of the corridor Gwendolen Figgis-Hewett darted like a vixen from cover .
25 Although the local area will often be the natural starting point for many topics , even for the core history topics , it is very important that primary pupils be encouraged to look beyond the local area at the wider scene .
26 The point made by Mr Bishop about employment , shopping and other land I also wish to respond to , I think one of the other participants did mention the issue of existing provision , it 's been quite clear from the work of the Greater York authorities that certainly shopping terms there is an oversupply of shopping companies in and around the edge of the urban area at the present time , we have a number of major outstanding consents which have not yet been taken up .
27 The reflex protects the very sensitive area at the bottom of the skull and , because it works by reflex , we can not have conscious control over it .
28 Equally , in ‘ Soldier Man ’ , the subject of rape , a sensitive area at the best of times , is confronted in a unique way , its dark undertow brought into relief by a dolorous fiddle and cello .
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