Example sentences of "[adj] only [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Our results also showed that plasma and urine cAMP and cGMP values were abnormally high in coeliac disease patients who had not been treated , and became normal only after treatment when clinical , biochemical , and histological remission was achieved .
2 If normal good sleepers are woken from Stage I sleep or Stage 2 sleep , and asked whether they were awake or asleep , they tend to report definitely feeling asleep only In Stage 2 sleep , " 2 although this is not necessarily true for poor sleepers , who may deny they were asleep even when the EEG traces show clear signs of Stage 2 sleep .
3 He also interprets St Paul 's teaching to the Colossians ( 3:3 ) in these terms : His evocation of a silent darkness at the heart of which the soul is alive only in faith and expectant longing , combines the same sense of both end and beginning that Rolle creates at the end of his shorter Passion meditation when the process of penance linked with the stages of the Crucifixion concludes in the darkness of the entombment — a darkness which in the pattern of Incarnation is the prelude to dawn and Resurrection .
4 The polymer solution is separated from the pure solvent by a membrane , permeable only to solvent molecules .
5 Though crops can be raised for local consumption in favoured areas of Alaska and Siberia , efficient horticulture is possible only under glass and with considerable inputs of energy ; it is generally cheaper and more reliable to bring in produce by road or air from the south .
6 I wonder whether eventually admissions will be possible only during working hours but not during lunch or coffee breaks .
7 A public road threads a delightful passage through woodlands in the company of river and loch for the first few miles , ending at a car park from which further progress is possible only by walking — and further progress should certainly be made .
8 This bone-white structure is almost half a mile high , a feat of engineering made possible only by magic .
9 I was an incurable romantic and yearned for a romantic friendship before it would be too late , for I believed in those days that romantic friendship was possible only in youth .
10 Technology from the semiconductor industry has allowed an experiment in fundamental physics previously possible only in theory .
11 In Verbivore Brooke-Rose makes use of techniques that are possible only in prose narrative : the mixing of documentary-like realism with ‘ events ’ which are unthinkable from a visual or aural point of view , and the circular embedding of narrative fragments .
12 Her mind was self-referring and exclusive as theirs were not — impersonal only in relation to the teasing-out of the intellectually taxing problem .
13 Even at this stage it is preferable only to sketch in secondary details , fragmentary accompaniment ideas , etc. , before completing a whole section of the main subject matter .
14 They were : offences triable only on indictment ; offences triable only summarily ; and offences triable either way .
15 This is the most serious of the offences in the Act , and is triable only on indictment and attracts a maximum penalty of ten years imprisonment .
16 Iced only on top , so looks a bit bare without its gold band .
17 However , it could be argued that an organisation is badly structured because it is poorly managed , and even if it were restructured , poor management would continue to depress the organisation 's performance — ie. performance may not be attributable only to structure .
18 Indeed , several authorities have striven to prove that the Pembroke and the White Park are different only in colour and that the Pembroke was a direct descendant of those tenth-century red-eared whites .
19 In this , the case of Pound is no different from other writers , or it is different only in degree .
20 Appreciably larger than Sandwich Tern , adult distinguishable from Lesser Crested only by size , heavier and yellower bill and darker grey plumage , but immature apparently lacks black wing-bar. 19 in. ( 48 cm )
21 Was I therefore to assume that homelessness was an issue peculiar only to Apex members within the G M B or was I to reach the alternative , and I might say equally ridiculous conclusion , that despite its majority of women membership , toxic sock , shock syndrome was not of particular interest to Apex members ?
22 The capacity of the mature human individual to run through whole sets of possible scenarios as imagined responses to a problem situation or as a means to achieve a goal so far existent only in thought , is the secret of human ascendancy .
23 Assuming a primary sex ratio ( males/females ) of unity and that mortality is random and dependent only on mobility pattern , operational sex ratio is where b is the ratio : time per adult male seeking sexual encounter/time per female .
24 On another occasion , he commented that the ruler who was dependent only upon executive power without finding ‘ the way to the people ’ was destined to failure .
25 A desire to get to London can be irrational only in relation to other desires .
26 By the time he left the Old Kent Road school , he had absorbed the classics , learnt French , and was proficient in mathematics and in the sciences which were attainable only by university students .
27 Some internees were resident German-speakers , British only by background ; others were a large squad of Merchant Navy officers and seamen , British to their tough cores .
28 This was having something in common with your lover , she thought , remembering the way it had been with Mike , who was interested only in banking and golf and what he called making a home for one 's family .
29 With success inevitably came enemies , and Korn/Ferry , disliked by its competitors and seen as interested only in quantity , not quality , was banned from the headhunters ' club , the Association of Executive Recruitment Consultants .
30 In choosing protégés the PROFITBOSS is interested only in performance and potential , not patronage and politics .
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