Example sentences of "[adj] now [pers pn] 've " in BNC.

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1 So you 're going you got okay now we 've got six lots of
2 Mr is very different we must all be protected , I 've worked out my bill as the same as this year because no way shall I spend seventeen and a half percent more money I shall be as careful as I can and I sha n't starve and I sha n't get cold now I 've worked out that the V A T on my fuel bill is eight hundred and eighty five pounds , I 'd delighted if Mr could perform the trick and I need n't pay it , on behalf of the Duke of Westminster , the Duke of Rutland , I think I can also thank him .
3 It 's too late now I 've got .
4 Do you know , I mean for so long now we 've done it very much on personal effort .
5 I feel terrific now I 've made a start —
6 ‘ It feels rather strange now I 've got my other world back again , I admit .
7 thank you and it said there in apportionment , page one , five , three again , calculated from the date of legal completion to the end of the then current half year , will be collected on completion , please note that these are estimated only and will be retrospectively adjusted when audited accounts are available now we 've seen the reflection of that in practice this morning have n't we ?
8 But we 're mighty anxious now we 've come all this way to get out into that jungle just as soon as we can and start hunting . "
9 Erm , I 'm being nosey now you 've got a box , er , horse box behind your building a blue one it 's a double wheeler horse box , i is it yours or is it for sale ?
10 The coal-house part it 's is quite wide now we 've done it , big coal-house , but altered
11 Marvellous Now I 've seen all this I do n't know about my question , whey !
12 ‘ Well , my girl , I hope you 're satisfied now you 've had your little tantrum , ’ she said .
13 no she said I 'm alright now I 've had a sandwich , so , anyhow she left it , so I left it , I said well it 's there if you want , she said I 'll eat it later then granddad , anyhow making the tea she said put the microwave on and we , we were having salmon
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