Example sentences of "[adj] and [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At every CCK-8 dose testd , differences between animals treated with L-NAME and with saline were significant .
2 The report that was put to committee by the the officers have arguments which I feel are fatuous , fallacious , erroneous and at best equivocal .
3 It is true that the ballet de cour exercised great influence on French opera when it emerged very much later , but French opera remained French and by that time Italian opera was well on the way to becoming European .
4 There is then a wonderful opportunity for those who have survived , because the field is clear and for some time newcomers are chary of entering it .
5 Ann Kite produces an excellent video , very clear and with enough repetition for understanding , not boredom .
6 The water should be very clear and with steady turbulence .
7 Jo Durie , who has again carried the ladies game , made her own thoughts very clear and at this rate it could be some years until she is beaten regularly by a British girl .
8 The water stays clear and in good condition because it 's sealed in
9 Information given to employees must be concise , clear and in easy to follow language .
10 To Europeans , this music is unfamiliar and in many cases the technical level of orchestration and harmony is deficient by world standards , but in place of technique , the Indians have something else that should interest us .
11 But very slim and of average height .
12 The man , aged about 25 , slim and of Asian appearance , forced her back into the car and ordered her to drive off .
13 But that means nothing to the army of unemployed and to threatened companies which would rather have any work than none , or to politicians caught up in righteous anger at ‘ unfair ’ competition .
14 It was , therefore , all the more depressing for the Taylors to find colour more of a front-page issue than the fact that John raised nearly £1 million for Cheltenham 's unemployed and for local crime prevention .
15 Amid demonstrations of the unemployed in the depression of 1892–95 , local authorities in districts where the problem was worst established public works and opened labour bureaux , i.e. labour exchanges for the simultaneous registration of the unemployed and of available work .
16 Significant increases in those claiming supplementary benefit were recorded from both the unemployed and from single-parent families , whereas the number of pensioners claiming had decreased ( see Figure 5.1 , page 80 ) .
17 He would not approve materials or equipment for schools unless they were simple , functional , economical and of good quality in material and workmanship .
18 Their routine is quite demanding and in some ways it expects a level of determination on the part of the rehabilitee that would probably be high enough to get him back to work without a course of formal rehabilitation .
19 The position emerging in Germany is interesting and in one sense rather disturbing .
20 It seemed so commercial and against all her ideals .
21 Each image pulsed animatedly , responsive to the currents of fortune , to the ebb and flow of events , to the forces of cleansing light and of dark malevolent corrupt insanity .
22 Finally , apart from the obvious Joe Satriani Ibanez guitars which , incidentally , are strung quite light and with low actions ( on tour his tech measures the action prior to every gig ! ) , he also uses quite a lot of ‘ Nashville ’ tuned acoustics .
23 The greater light was , of course , the sun which , in early mythology , was considered masculine while the moon was feminine and in some cultures , she was called The Queen of Heaven .
24 In general the activities of the masses were though of as mindless but they were at least non-political and in many cases they even encouraged the acceptance of social norms and new routines necessary to urban and industrial life .
25 Particularly when it went wrong and after all the man was purely a terrorist .
26 It is entirely wrong and against natural justice for the Government to make a pre-emptive strike against one of those bids by saying that they will support the other with the financial guarantee of £48,750 .
27 in a stable environment ( ie. the container finn ) the most efficient structure was one in which the influence and authority of senior managers were relatively high and of middle managers low ;
28 Each headstone is 32in high and of uniform appearance ( no distinction is made on account of military or civil rank , race or creed ) .
29 Telegraph Tower is hardly impressive architecture , though five storeys high and of hexagonal shape .
30 The road ran straight ahead of us until it disappeared in the mist , except that at the man 's feet it was gone and there was a gap some fifty metres or so wide through which a brown torrent ran so high and in such furious waves that it almost lipped the broken macadam where the road had been swept away .
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