Example sentences of "[adj] and [verb] after " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Apparently you keep the path clear and look after the little hut ; does your father come here much ? ’
2 He shook himself free and ran after it .
3 Nutty mounted and rode after him .
4 She looked to Alexandra disgustingly spry and healthy , rosy and refreshed after an excellent night and full of happy anticipation at hearing of the dinner party .
5 She was emotionally raw and bleeding after all .
6 Some — like that of Ryno the medic , exhausted and saddened after a struggle to save the life of a fellow constable — show how very young most men are when they are caught up in armed conflicts .
7 Robyn swallowed and tried to work out whether she should feel relieved or even more depressed and decided after a moment on the latter .
8 These are factors which decide whether the specimen is initially handled as a solid and disaggregated after fixation , or is immediately disaggregated and handled from the outset as a cell suspension .
9 He blinked and stretched , feeling relaxed and contented after a good night 's sleep , although there was a bitterness at the back of his throat .
10 but you , they , they are , they 're very sweet , the second class citizens of all , I mean they say they 're cherished and looked after and
11 However , on the pre-Broadway run in Philadelphia , Mostel fell ill and died after only one performance .
12 Macari , a tee-totalling hardline disciplinarian , took the club from the fourth division to the second and established himself as one of the most ambitious and sought after managers in the game .
13 Then I went to Chartres , where I found the unequal spires of the Cathedral strangely homely and appealing after the stately symmetry of Notre Dame .
14 Acknowledgements are brief and appear after the reference list ; grant and contribution numbers are not allowed .
15 All he had wanted was to make her comfortable and look after her .
16 The track goes on as a pleasant lane beyond Calf Holes , coming alongside a belt of trees on the left and arriving after a mile at the sixteenth-century Ling Gill Bridge , a modest structure with a tablet built into parapet giving the information that it was repaired in 1765 at the expense of the inhabitants of the West Riding .
17 In future we could extend their kind of insurance benefit to people who are divorced , separated or unmarried and looking after children .
18 When Charlotte reached Swans ' Meadow late that afternoon , tired and dispirited after her journey to Wales , she found Ursula in a further stage of her adjustment to Maurice 's death and Samantha 's disappearance .
19 Tired and confused after the journey , I followed the servant into a large building , where she left me in a sitting-room .
20 But she was curious and went after him .
21 But it 's those wrinkles that make these Chinese Shar Pei 's one of the most distinctive and sought after breeds in the world .
22 But actually big brothers can be quite kindly and look after you and help you with their experience .
23 When I first went to Dent , before the war , I arrived at dusk , hungry and footsore after walking all day .
24 In the absence of the big idea , one good phrase would be a help , something to focus the uncertain and suggestible mood of the country and put its finger on what it is that is missing and wanted after 10 years of Mrs Thatcher .
25 Choice of lux. villas in Lakeside Village in Quinta do Lago ( the most beautiful and sought after area in the Algarve , Portugal . )
26 To Iron Josh , stiff and bruised after the discomfort of his journey in the cart , even a kitchen chair had looked inviting .
27 Full and distended after very few mouthfuls
28 Everything eaten turns to wind and they may feel full and distended after only a very few mouthfuls with momentary relief ( > ) from belching .
29 In vain they look for a contrast with the adult world in the family which is yielding and running after them .
30 Looking pink and refreshed after a short break , Mr Smith strode into the pokey committee rooms to a rabble-rousing welcome .
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