Example sentences of "[adj] and [verb] out " in BNC.

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1 At the girls ' establishment where she had been sent at huge expense to learn music and French and to carry out the ornate disciplines conceived by the headmistress — including communal teeth-washing in the gardens , winter and summer , and then communal gargling into the rosebeds , which the headmistress regarded as a form of manure-spreading — the pain was put down to growing too fast .
2 An early break after only seven miles saw Australian Grant Rice and Dutchman Marc Lotz go clear and stay out front for more than 80 miles .
3 The windscreen in front of the ‘ cabin' looks just like glass , but is in fact edible and made out of melted glacier mint — a clever and original idea you could adapt for other cakes , for example for windows .
4 Before this can be done , agency and client may agree to do some research to assess the likely consumer reaction to the commercial and to iron out any problems ( see Chapter 9 ) .
5 Trees in burial grounds , near tanks , at points where roads cross and in close proximity to anthills and ponds are carefully avoided , as are trees that have been eaten by worms or struck by lightning or are barren , old and worn out .
6 1 sliced white loaf ( day old and kept out of its wrapping )
7 He dismissed the question as so much supposition , but when he tried to give her a reassuring hug she wriggled free and went out on to the balcony to join the others .
8 Carson ran up the brick steps to the courtyard 's wooden side-door , rattling the bolt free and stepping out into the narrow alley that ran down the side of the house .
9 I was with him , holding the drip inside the bag , and I had to wrench him free and get out before we ran out of air .
10 Then of course there 's this insurance thing to do as well when David 's er free and sorted out
11 Be brave and list out your recent failures .
12 Damp and stretch out your backing paper onto a drawing board , tape it round the edges with gummed tape and let it dry .
13 The editorial deals with the Opposition 's topic of encouraging people to buy British and points out that the Opposition 's deputy leader has just bought a foreign car .
14 Now be careful and get out when the going gets too hot ! ’
15 Stephen Galway grabbed a superbly crafted winner with 11 minutes on the clock after a bizarre own-goal and cancelled out the Scot 's opener .
16 Two waiters came into the buffet arguing , and then noticed that it was n't empty and went out again .
17 Pick somewhere public and stay out of his reach if you 're worried about being forced .
18 As a young schoolgirl I had always wanted to do something different and to work out of doors , but as I progressed along the educational road these objectives had somehow receded to be overtaken by the more accepted priorities of passing exams and going to university .
19 However , there are those who need to learn to become assertive and come out of themselves , or to overcome their fears .
20 The second Lady Deverill , also riding side-saddle and turned out in a quite immaculate habit , pulled up alongside Artemis on a bay Artemis had n't seen before .
21 And , try to keep warm and keep out of this wind .
22 The loading bay had old roll-across galvanised doors , twisted and battered out of shape and just about held together by a new-looking chain sheathed in blue plastic .
23 Now it is fallen upon and twisted and embellished out of all recognition .
24 Kidnapping the whole cage was impossible and knocking out the Headmaster and all the teachers would be difficult .
25 I thought you were supposed to be low and submissive and made out of Adam 's rib , and you were n't supposed to leave the house excessively .
26 He walked all over Lyne picking up blocks of red sandstone ashlar and pointing out the old grooves and cramp-holes .
27 Show some ability to recognise when planning , drafting , redrafting and revising are appropriate and to carry out these processes either on paper or on a computer screen .
28 Secondly , he must extricate himself from his involvement with the deceased and search out new relationships as sources of rewarding interaction .
29 Any woman with commonsense would immediately become alarmed and send out some of her household to find the King .
30 Even the jar looked costly , Alida thought , chalice-shaped , gilt-lidded and made out of what could so easily have been milk-glass .
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