Example sentences of "[adj] and [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Her personality was drab , earnest and humourless and her appearance calculatedly unattractive .
2 Richard Smith 's suggestion is that the GMC should ‘ investigate treatments offered by doctors that may be risky and whose value has not been scientifically proved . ’
3 Aghredien , who played for SARU and is classified as coloured ( his father was Malayan and his mother Norwegian ) , has been working hand in hand with Bill Cunningham — a back-row forward , who played for the Springboks on their 1959 internal tour — to develop rugby in townships around Port Elizabeth for nearly two decades .
4 Hugh Despenser the younger had already petitioned the king on the grounds that the charges against him were erroneous and his condemnation illegal , particularly because so few prelates were present in the parliament which gave judgement .
5 The tiny samples of lacquer were progressively heated to about 350o C , ionised and their decomposition products analysed in a quadrupole mass spectrometer .
6 Having topped the charts worldwide and walked away with almost every conceivable music industry honour , Neneh Cherry has nevertheless kept her head screwed on , her priorities clear and her demeanour refreshingly calm and unpretentious .
7 At least her skin was clear and her neck had n't started to sag .
8 He was able to give a pagan friend power of attorney to act on his behalf , and so found an elegant way of keeping his conscience clear and his standing with the church unaffected .
9 He sent Rizzardi clear and his cross was missed by Brian Kilcline , enabling Capocchiano to put it away from close in .
10 But Annadale levelled in the 41st minute when Chris Jackson sent John Stephens clear and his cross was turned into the net by a Western defender .
11 For people with a profound hearing loss there are bound to be times when speechreading seems to be very hard going , but even in the dark you are still on the way if your aim is clear and your courage bright .
12 Because FI , in the wake of Renault , was shifting towards the turbo engine and because McLaren was beginning to develop the TAG/ Porsche engine , 1982 was something of a transitional year at the team and both Niki and his team-mate John Watson suffered in the results table , Watson actually finishing ahead of Niki in the championship , the first time he had ever been upstaged within his own team .
13 The new research project will investigate the roots of this adaptability in personal and work life in late middle age , and how men and women at this stage of life view their own ageing and their future .
14 Should the message be unfamiliar and its manner of delivery unappealing or otherwise distant from the recipient , its relevance or value are unlikely to be accepted .
15 She 's a good-looking woman , but she 's jumpy and she does'na have the confidence .
16 It was the first time her father had hit her and he looked upset , but suddenly she was very calm and her voice was steady as she said , ‘ I 'm sorry .
17 As conditions were calm and my position at that time left me right for a downwind left join in an easterly direction , I elected to land this way and flew a normal downwind base and approach .
18 The task of teaching " the charity pupils ' was entrusted to assistant teachers , whose teaching skills were mostly rudimentary and whose lot was hard and underpaid .
19 You 've stopped smoking and your blood sugar is consistently within the normal range since you started the self-care programme six years ago .
20 Now she 's unemployed and her husband has tuberculosis and they live on supplementary benefit with their two children .
21 Briefly , the field is the total event together with the purposive activity of the speaker or writer ; the mode is the function of the text in the event , including spoken or written , extempore or prepared and its genre or rhetorical mode such as narrative , didactic , persuasive , phatic communion ; the tenor refers to the type of ro∘le-interaction , the set of relevant social relations among the participants .
22 Also Cruse , The National Organization for the Widowed and their Children' , publishes an anthology for the bereaved called ‘ All in the end is Harvest ’ .
23 Oh , but honestly when I 'm in love , my face just lights up , just beams with joy , oh , oh no let there be light and my match has gone out but
24 Oh , but honestly when I 'm in love , my face just lights up , just beams with joy , oh , oh no let there be light and my match has gone out but
25 Many people have tried to summarise it , and perhaps the most celebrated attempt is that of C. H. Dodd in The Apostolic Preaching and its Development .
26 Although they eschewed the large houses and endowments of the monks , they frequently attracted considerable wealth because of lay support for their fiery preaching and their concentration on the towns .
27 He was clean-shaven and his hair combed perfectly .
28 In true light the old woman 's skin was brown and her hair indeed was white as cotton , while her eyes were the boiled white of eggs .
29 And his back was brown and his chest was a lovely rosy brown , there .
30 my dad 's just got back from apparently Millie 's quite brown and my mum they 're not
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