Example sentences of "[adj] of [adj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The garrison finally capitulated at 4 pm , enabling the Duke to write complacently : ‘ Now we may have the happiness to say that this part of the kingdom is clear of all the rebels . ’
2 To end your pre-shoot planning session , pick one or two camera positions which will keep you clear of all the coming and going .
3 Swim clear of all the ropes , swim around to the back of the boat , pull the daggerboard down and then simply flip the boat upright again .
4 It was in deficit in its trade with the outside world , calculated in Soviet domestic prices , but with its oil and other resources expressed in world market prices it was the only republic to have a positive balance in its trade with non-Soviet partners ; and it was the most economically self-sufficient of all the republics .
5 The most sumptuous of all the decorations was undoubtedly a huge Chinese Ming-dynasty celadon porcelain vase embellished with elaborate and highly wrought ormolu mounts incorporating ring-toothed lions ' heads of around 1760 .
6 The sooner she was free of such a boorish escort , the better , she thought angrily , taking a hasty step forward .
7 Against all expectations , the S2 Coupe has become the most popular of all the Coupes , accounting for a quarter of total production .
8 The most popular of all the operas .
9 Nonetheless I am puzzled that , according to an NOP poll , the Post Office is the most popular of all the public utilities with a satisfaction rate of 78 per cent , while the least popular was British Telecom with just 60 per cent .
10 Following her 1991 appearances at Nottingham , Wimbledon and the Midland Bank Championships at Brighton at the end of last year , we can confirm that Steffi Graf is the most popular of all the foreign players , according to Tennis World readers .
11 This is deservedly the most popular of all the famous sea stacks .
12 In 1931 came What Shall We Have Today , ( 5s. and in paper covers 35. ) , the most popular of all the Boulestin books , containing a large selection of recipes plus a sample luncheon and dinner menu for each month of the year .
13 Andropulos took his glass — a scotch and not a small one , and disposed of half the contents in one gulp .
14 You were extremely fond of all the MacKay men — and they all let you wrap them round your little finger .
15 He was the most remarkable and most interesting of all the ‘ enlightened despots ’ .
16 Think of a young , impressionable person who is on the edge of some fringe set — perhaps eager to be accepted , although doubtful of all the ideas and implications involved .
17 And then suddenly she felt something running up her leg she looked down it was the spider , it had left Mademoiselle a long time ago and had secreted itself under a desk afraid of all the trampling feet around .
18 The most celebrated of all the northern constellations is distinctive even though it contains no star as bright as the first magnitude .
19 This attempt to assert baronial control of the king 's officers , reminiscent both of the Provisions of Oxford and the Ordinances , was the most far-reaching of all the demands made during the crisis of 1339–41 .
20 What turned out to be the most far-reaching of all the post-emancipation measures of Alexander II derived , ironically , from the government 's concern for the gentry .
21 Officially , in the neutral world of the meteorologists , they are known as tropical revolving storms — the most energetic and destructive of all the planet 's natural surface phenomena .
22 But there is a good reason for making yourself aware of presuppositions : you need to be as conscious as possible of all the assertions you are making , including hidden ones .
23 No sooner had de Gaulle ended the Algerian nightmare and registered his political triumphs in late 1962 than he became morbidly apprehensive of such a national relapse .
24 One of the most striking of all the mission stations was opened by the Santa Fe at Albuquerque , New Mexico , in 1910 .
25 Auriga is one of the most striking of all the constellations of the northern hemisphere .
26 But perhaps the most striking of all the devices are the frequent self-conscious comments made by the author , laying bare his devices precisely by pointing out the differences between fabula and syuzhet , as , for example , in the following : In Tristram Shandy ( and in the O. Henry stories discussed in another essay by Eikhenbaum ) the devices are laid bare to such an extent that there remains hardly any motivation for the much diminished fabula .
27 It should be properly representative of all the sectors at risk ; 3 .
28 If the quality I see here is truly representative of all the EX models , then I would certainly recommend them to anyone wanting to buy into the Ibanez range at a reasonable price .
29 Sir George Askwith , the Board of Trade 's Chief Industrial Commissioner , quickly persuaded Devonport to meet Harry Gosling and Harry Orbell , an influential official of the London Dockers , who were representative of both the executive of the Transport Workers ' Federation and the workers ' side of the Port of London Authority and to assure them that existing agreements would be maintained .
30 Any one of us may also apprehend an individual whom we know to be , or whom we have reasonable grounds for suspecting to be , guilty of such an offence as long as it has been committed .
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