Example sentences of "[adj] so [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I said , not caring a damn so long as she was here .
2 By March this year the price of sorghum , wheat and maize in local markets had been depressed so far that farmers were complaining .
3 This is good news for the company since all three markets are relatively recession-proof so far as the demand for their product is concerned , which in turn makes them a fairly buoyant customer base .
4 If we try to imagine how a mind of superhuman power and reach , but normal so far as the logical processes of its thought are concerned , … would use the scientific method , the process would be as follows : First , all facts would be observed and recorded , without selection or a priori guess as to their relative importance .
5 These were highly controversial so far as the implementation of the Regulation is concerned , with the British Department of National Heritage fearing an increase by 250,000 in export documents required by the antiquities trade , as all archaeological goods , even of no value , are required to have export papers .
6 Whatever it might have been , it was short-lived so far as James was concerned .
7 But for several years it remained extremely basic , with only small , medium and large sizes remotely possible so long as the styles were kept simple .
8 The coexistence in Francia of Louis and Lothar as co-emperors was possible so long as Lothar remained unmarried .
9 All this will be possible so long as the materials … possess the qualities of being first hand , sensory , within the pupil 's experience , limited in quantity , and making human sense .
10 Second , in the NATO member states , the relative lack of formal restrictions has contributed to the public unease about defence policy , which is associated in people 's minds with threats of all-out nuclear war : far from assisting deterrence this situation is highly corrosive so far as effective defence and deterrence are concerned .
11 That must be why they grow so tall so quickly and such a peculiar shade of green .
12 This freedom — to publish , of the press , of the media — should remain intact so long as laws are not broken .
13 The hon. Gentleman will have read and re-read circular 7/91 which contains the exceptions policy , allowing homes to be provided on sites not normally designated as residential so long as they are aimed at local people .
14 Footnotes in plenty have been added to Dodd , but his pattern remains a fair summary of the early preaching so far as we can reconstruct it .
15 But the effect left in the mind by this UK and USA reservation is unfortunate : it suggests , rightly or wrongly , that these nuclear powers are prepared to support the most elaborate codification limiting the use of conventional force , but at the same time want to keep their hands completely free so far as nuclear weapons use is concerned .
16 The ignition electrodes are hidden beneath the burners and stay clean and reliable so even if the milk boils over a quick wipe is all that 's needed .
17 With less children , a woman can feel at peace , she does n't get old so quickly as she has n't got so much work .
18 Radical surgery for prostatic cancer has become acceptable so far as long term functional results are concerned : continence can be maintained or restored in virtually all patients , and potency is maintained in 50–70% of those who are potent preoperatively .
19 Damp is acceptable so long as the cellar is not in use and so long as it does not rise above the ground floor dpc .
20 This is probably acceptable so long as we restrict ourselves to a single group , like mammals , but there is some dissent when people seek to extrapolate mechanisms from non-vertebrate species , like molluscs , to the mammalian brain ( e.g. Hawkins and Kandel 1984 ) .
21 This may seem perfectly acceptable so long as we are convinced of the absolute rightness of these standards ; but the question must arise whether there is any point in seeking for single comprehensive definitions of such categories as poetry , literature , art , etc. , or whether it is not better to regard the definitions that may be devised as applicable only to certain kinds of literature or certain aspects of texts .
22 It is important that this potentially very valuable approach safeguards itself so far as possible against misinterpretation : in particular , that the content of religious belief does not really matter , that knowledge of religious tradition is unimportant , and that any opinions and beliefs are acceptable so long as they are sincerely held .
23 Whether the victim did believe that immediate violence would be used is immaterial so long as the offender intended to cause the victim to have that belief .
24 Within the general array of conflicts arising from the pursuit of national interests there was until recently one predominant conflict , crucial so far as the possibility of nuclear war is concerned , between the US and the Soviet Union , and their respective allies or client states , which affected directly or indirectly all international relationships .
25 This , however , was impossible so long as descent was reckoned according to mother right .
26 Article 6 of the Convention also declared that its provisions did not preclude any of the following so far as the laws of the concerned states or conventions entered into between them allowed :
27 But the room was warm , brightly lit and by no means uncomfortable so long as you kept your eyes away from the map-like stains on the rancid blue walls or the cigarette ends and other scraps on the floor .
28 Businessmen should be allowed to put the position straight so far as the Revenue is concerned and with the minimum of fuss , not ‘ taken to the cleaners ’ by a second Government department .
29 This position is not heterodox so far as relinquo ( or , as it is here expressed , dimitto ) is concerned : Section i argued that the problem with it is precisely that it attributes property directly to a beneficiary rather than vesting it in a trustee .
30 The French would be content so long as the arrangement was for them to sell abroad ; there can , however , be no question of France permitting her massive investment in nuclear power to be undermined by making it possible for French consumers to buy in from abroad .
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