Example sentences of "[adj] you [vb mod] have " in BNC.

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1 To look at her you would have thought that she had her life perfectly in control — but how wrong you would have been .
2 You may have already decided what sort of walking boots to buy , but the shop assistant will , with barely disguised contempt , correct you , telling you how foolish you would have been to buy such footwear , how lucky it was you came here first , and convincing you that for only an extra £65 you can have the boot you really need .
3 If you 're not careful you 'll have another one other side !
4 At best he was afraid you might have , and that was enough .
5 If this tactic fails then I 'm afraid you 'll have to resort to the leger .
6 I 'm afraid you 'll have torun along now Sergeant .
7 I 'm afraid you 'll have to wake up to the fact that that kind of man from that kind of a family would n't know the meaning of love . ’
9 " I 'm afraid you 'll have to explain yourself more simply , Mr. Middlemass .
10 " Look , Miss , " he said , " my mate and I have got to get down to him , but you reported him , and I 'm afraid you 'll have to tell us how you came to see him .
11 ‘ I 'm afraid you 'll have to be content with just knowing my room number ! ’ she snapped .
12 I 'm afraid you 'll have to manage without me … ’
13 ‘ I 'm afraid you 'll have to ask the Parquet about that . ’
14 I 've left you one of my shirts , so I 'm afraid you 'll have to make do with that tonight .
15 But I 'm afraid you 'll have to tell her that the days when Rome ruled the world are over .
16 I 'm afraid you 'll have to go easy on the Sangria while taking the tablets , and on the swimming too . ’
17 Ian is going to the hospital , so I 'm afraid you 'll have to put up with me . ’
18 ‘ I 'm afraid you may have to wait a little longer , ’ he replied apologetically .
19 ‘ I am afraid you will have to spend the night in the men 's guardroom .
20 ‘ I am afraid you will have to take account of the men of the Manhattan Project , ’ said Erlich through chattering teeth .
21 I 'm afraid you 'd have to look up that figure .
22 I 'll tell you what if he 's six months old you 'll have to watch him chewing as well .
23 For early-flowering you could have Egremont Russet ( eater ) and Rev. W. Wilks ( cooker ) .
24 If you were really fortunate you will have gone on a training course , far too few companies bother to invest in improving their staff 's skill in desktop publishing , and have learned at least some of the basic operations .
25 Were you to feel particularly extravagant you could have the room-facing side mirrored — worth it for the wonderful effect of light and space .
26 How alarmed you must have been to discover she was receiving secret messages from some mysterious adviser , who also promised he would arrange her escape from Godstowe !
27 Yeah but of course if you were being serious you 'd have to ask him directly would n't you ?
28 It sounds obvious but some drawings of birds are so odd you 'd have difficulty identifying even a bluetit from them .
29 If this is not possible you may have to forget the whole report unless your client will accept that you have read it , or a separate part of it , and they can not .
30 I 'm so hopeless you should have left me behind ! ’
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