Example sentences of "[adj] for many years " in BNC.

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1 Having led the world into polyester fibre and been highly profitable for many years , we lost the lead position due to a combination of circumstances .
2 It had originally been left to her by a noted amateur ornithologist and eccentric with whom she had been friendly for many years .
3 This is a beautiful , small twelfth-century room , used as a stable for many years after the depredations of the Revolution but carefully restored in the 1850s .
4 ‘ People seem to think we are getting rid of all the books but the only ones we have done away with are those which had been hidden away unused for many years . ’
5 AFTER being ill-served for many years by the investment industry , the small investor at last has a choice of funds which follow share indices .
6 Mr Andrews cited the example of an A&E nurse who had done suturing for many years .
7 The Club proved very popular for many years as it appealed to the many actors , artists and musicians who found the atmosphere of Bedford Park most congenial .
8 A warm family atmosphere has made the Massi popular for many years .
9 Gastric emptying tests with radiolabelled meals and gamma camera imaging have proved popular for many years in clinical research and physiological studies .
10 This represents a major step forward in unlocking the commercial potential of our inner cities and of breathing new life into areas which may have been derelict for many years .
11 The house and gallery date from 1640 , though the house was derelict for many years and restored in 1920 .
12 The canal was derelict for many years , but now flows again to produce electricity for the neighbourhood ; and it still makes a pleasant summer evening walk from Tavistock to the tunnel mouth .
13 The courts , together with a wooden pavilion of historic interest , were built around 1910 but lay derelict for many years until the Club revived them with a grant from the Village Association .
14 RIGHT : After standing empty for many years , plans are in hand for its conversion to dwellings .
15 Having stood empty for many years , 1987/88 saw the start of considerable renovations and rebuilding .
16 The farm buildings were empty for many years , but have now been restored .
17 Riddel 's Warehouse , Ann Street , ( 1867 ) : blighted by proximity to police station , has been empty for many years .
18 The warehouse has been empty for many years , but holding repairs have meant at least that water penetration to the fabric is reduced .
19 Two years later Harris and his wife Mary became residents of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons in Croydon ; he had been an active Freemason since 1818 , and in 1849 had published a set of designs for lodge tracing boards , which became standard for many years .
20 It has also raised some practical difficulties in making a transfer of assets from one party to another when a portion of those assets consists of a pension which is not payable for many years to come .
21 The single dog , who has probably been bored for many years , suddenly has a new playmate , who like himself , sleeps most of the time , but will enjoy a game for short periods .
22 The finished roof will now be weatherproof for many years and require no maintenance .
23 The system of raising local authorities ' revenue by means of the rating system ( where the rateable value of property served as the basis for payment ) had been unpopular for many years .
24 Thus Mendel 's paper on the inherited characteristics of peas , published in an obscure journal in what is now part of Czechoslovakia , was uncited for many years , but the ideas contained within it are now an integral part of the genetics paradigm .
25 In fact a more limited regime of this kind has been on the Soviet agenda for the Mediterranean for many years .
26 Over the years the weather and man have been responsible for destroying parts of the forested areas and , although some re-afforestation has taken place , large areas have remained depleted for many years .
27 This is particularly true for those with multiple symptoms who have been ill for many years .
28 Punch Magazine : April 8 , aged 150 : The satirical publication had been ill for many years with circulation falling to 33,000 .
29 Its importance as a sire had been obvious for many years as its progeny had proved their worth in the show ring and at stud .
30 However , owners are under no compulsion to sell and although land may be identified for development , it may in fact remain undeveloped for many years .
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