Example sentences of "[adj] in that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 is very different in that it it proposes a migrationary and evolutionary approach towards open systems .
2 I mean you came quite high in that I would imagine that 's something you quite enjoy doing .
3 Erm forty six thousand figure we feel is acceptable in that we still have to make environmental releases in the greenbelt , but erm the net outward movement would not hinder our urban regeneration .
4 erm The trouble about the tropical forest is this tremendous variation from place to place , the conditions are totally different in different places , although the forest is similar in that it 's got large numbers of different species of trees and flora and fauna .
5 I am , I was born in Essex , in in hospital and my family all come from Essex , and I was brought up in Upminster and I was very fortunate in that I was born into a christian home and I had christian parents and christian grandparents and christian aunts and uncles and I went to church from the time I was about two or three weeks old .
6 I was fortunate in that I was married before the war and the Ipswich Council had decided that married men 's wages would be made up .
7 In this one it was n't quite so er , straightforward in that we , we had n't given you the actual activities to do .
8 Being an actress is relatively easy in that it 's someone else 's words you speak .
9 Newspaper , difficult one , generally , but we 're lucky in that we 've got a place down in Exmouth that shred this all up for animal bedding , and they 'll take that , and again we 'll get recycling credits , so although it 's low value in terms of the actual material , it attracts this big recycling credit so so a subsidized market , if you like .
10 Well we were lucky in that we 've been able to do , have a , a very good relationship with a company called well known in the marine side and they put in forty five thousand pounds into er the scheme and promised that before Christmas and that was reading the paper one day in November the , the Robert the National Heritage Minister saying that they may be , may , if you 're lucky , going to put some money into sport and er so we contacted them and we were one of the first sports to get , had money doubled as they say in the bingo hall , so we er we now have ninety , ninety thousand pounds and which I wh has been distributed or will be distributed in the , in the following way so that 's how we 're gon na spend it and er these er , the administration represent we were basically overwhelmed with enquiries and s we took on a person in order to , to do it , the normal R Y A staff had already got enough on so we took on a girl called Sara who answers all the queries on the Year of Youth Hotline and erm we are also running the boat shows , the four or five N B L challenge which is the flagship event for our sponsors which is er I wo n't go into the , the details but is a , a talent fight , talent spotting event for under sixteen year olds around the country and it provided fleet of dinghies , the prize for which is a dinghy which is not , not a bad prize I think you 'll agree .
11 The only thing you done , it was lucky in that it was only the outer ones .
12 I recently lost three stone in weight and wondered how else I could improve myself and I was lucky in that I had had a mastectomy for a cancer about seven years ago , so I went ahead and had breast reconstruction .
13 This work started originally in , in erm Nottingham University and in Aberdeen University and erm now we 're rather lucky in that I think we have erm one company , Oxford Instruments , that supply almost all the big magnets that are used in this work all over the world .
14 You need an awful lot of persuading to get doctors to start to use a new medicine and a classic example was of the treatment of depression , where the pharmaceutical manufacturers started to produce tablets which were very effective in stopping depression , not just feeling a bit blue but actual serious clinical depression where the person 's sat in the corner and stared at the wall and did nothing — I mean really serious depression — doctors took a long time to realize that there was an effective treatment for that and to start to prescribe it , and in fact actually doctors in Britain are rather good in that we prescribe many more effective treatments for depression , we diagnose it more often , and this we believe in our office that this is one of the reasons why the suicide rate has gone down in Britain quite dramatically in the last few years , because depression , which is obviously one of the main causes of suicide , is being effectively treated .
15 That 's good news in itself , but it 's also good in that it provides a bedrock on which we can build sustainable recovery of output and and job creation .
16 So I suppose that really to say that we 're not er involved in that we 're not against efficiency .
17 You are right in that we serve .
18 We 've attempted to design a system which is friendly in that it takes account of the different needs that a person will have at different times while trying to communicate with a computer .
19 Right again that 's slightly complicated in that we have two roads coming from the Leeds direction and the
20 The action of a traditional epic poem is further complicated in that it deals with the relation of human beings to gods .
21 And in a sense , the book is very one dimensional in that it follows just this one aspect of Woodrow Wilson 's character , the critical one .
22 And I seem to have been fairly successful in that I 've never neither I , nor Father Christmas , has ever been asked for what I would consider to be a greedy , outrageous present !
23 I think it 's only pragmatic in that it 's maintaining production levels .
24 The court found that as practice by the defendant as a consultant could not injure the plaintiffs ' professional business , the clause was too wide in that it sought to encompass activities in which the plaintiffs did not have a legitimate interest .
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