Example sentences of "[adj] in the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Not usually gregarious in the region .
2 They 're looking at Wilson 's character , which was quite a , a peculiar one , in both senses of the word , and not just peculiar in the sense of , of , you obviously need to him a peculiar sense of kind of funny , funny peculiar .
3 Pec They 're peculiar in the library .
4 This year , however , there is something different in the air .
5 I was left cruelly at the mercy of the ‘ sames ’ : a different in the middle of identicals .
6 Life was so different in the country and she could n't get used to the fresh air , the slower pace , the cleanliness of everything .
7 Thank goodness it will be quite different in the country .
8 A decision made in Whitehall may look very different in the North East of England .
9 Things are no different in the field of animal experimentation .
10 ‘ You mean there 'll be someone different in the bed next to me tonight ? ’ ‘ 'Fraid not .
11 What was impressive was that each group had something different in the way of experience to contribute , whether about uranium mining or leukaemia clusters or the advantages of energy saving .
12 I am not sure why : nothing is different in the hall .
13 And it 's not very different in the West .
14 It is , of course , very different in the winter , and in high summer your peace may be shattered when the tourist season gets under way .
15 EC countries and Turkey seem unlikely to be in any way different in the course of 1991 .
16 Matters are quite different in the case of the first wording ‘ I ask that you be content with that thing ’ .
17 Matters were quite different in the case of trusts .
18 The position would have been very different in the case of a payment made some years before which was sought to be recovered because a court in another case had ruled that the regulation under which the demand had been made had all along been ultra vires .
19 The castle probably looks quite different in the sunlight . ’
20 Was there anything different in the dream this time ?
21 It may be highly critical that the actual language will be completely different in the register .
22 But atmospheric conditions may have been different in the past .
23 There is no evidence that the laws are different in the past than they are today , that they 're different in different places erm , but one can investigate the possibility .
24 Cancer of the cardia is different in the sex ratio , histological type , prognosis , and in relation to aeriological factors such as the consumption of alcohol and tobacco , when compared with gastric cancer in other locations .
25 ‘ She is tall and fair and fair-skinned , a nice green dress , good-looking I should say , although it was artificial light and I should think she looks very different in the day time … yes , I should think very different .
26 It looks different in the day , mind you , when he 's working here .
27 Such experiences of sexual liberation bear witness to the socially constructed ‘ nature ’ of identity with respect both to its contingency and its resilience : on the one hand the self can be and is experienced as radically different in the space of the other ; on the other hand it the extinction of self is the precondition of passing into the ecstasy with and through the other , it is an extinction which has to be replayed over and again as a constitutive part of sexual ecstasy itself .
28 How you attack those markets can be different in the sense that in er London the penetration of erm er mineral water into the target market is very high and therefore it 's already an accepted practice .
29 The voice of the wind is as different in the desert as the language of the people .
30 The pattern is also distinctively different in the Faculty of Divinity ( see the section on the Faculty of Divinity later in the prospectus ) .
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